Scarlet Letter Essay Research Paper From Stavroseaolcom

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From: Stavrose @ To: QUICKPAPERS @ TOTALLY.NET Subject: Submit a paperDate: Tuesday, November 04, 1997 6:43 AMTitle: The Scarlet LetterCategory: CategoryDescription: Body of paper: The forenoon was long and chill, Hester Pryne had become a new occupant to this smallseven-teenth century Boston town. She patiently waited entirely for her hubby & # 8217 ; s latearrival from New England. In waiting Hester Pryne grew impatient and lonely. It mayhave been sexual want or merely a yearning for lecherousness, but it was non long after her arrivalthat she would perpetrate her well recognized, vile, iniquitous act. What is it that turns the loyal lover into the lubricious animal? After sometime hadpassed Hester was graced by the pleasance of meeting & # 8220 ; the good Reverend Dimsdale. & # 8221 ; Mr. Dimsdale was a extremely well-thought-of member of the Puritan clergy and ne’er would thepeople uncertainty in a adult male of God. Hester on first contact with him concluded a instead oddlonging for fulfilment in her out pleasance. Time comes and goes like the air current non yielding to anything or anyone. Aftermany long months of waiting for her beloved hubby Hester receives notice of a puritanship being the 1 that her hubby was to be on board, he was presumed dead. Hestermourned her darling hubby for sometime. Yet so there was that dark & # 8230 ; Hester and Mr. Dimsdale were by opportunity speech production on assorted affairs whenHester gave in to her sexual desires. A instead uneven state of affairs in title. Then once more whenyou compare it to modern times it genuinely is no more than a common happening. Yetliving in the 17th century was more than a tad spot different than life in ourtimes. The incident ballad unspoken on the linguas of the party & # 8217 ; s concerned. It fell to thatof their Black Marias where it should hold found ageless trial. Both guilty of this iniquitous act ; yetwho would of all time cognize? Morning illness, little bloating, and a guilty witting do notmake many friends in these early old ages. At least non for Hester Pryne. Have you of all time noticed the vacant stares of the leery head? For Hester thiswas world. Fact being she was a alien to this colony, married without hubby, untrusty in the eyes of others. If female is invariably afflicted with sickness and seenby all who watched, so rumours shall distribute. & # 8220 ; She is pregnant, & # 8221 ; one would state. Yethow could it be for she with no hubby, wed to a shade. Bound to society by the ironss of her yesteryear, the truth must be known. Whenbrought Forth to oppugn her offense on show. Thrown to a gaol cell was she on this day.Left to be tortured by the opportunities she took. There sat Hester pregnant in a coop where onone could look. Her psyche felt impure to her baffled simple head, the truth longed to betold, the truth no 1 could happen. Her kid was born in the cell where she stayed sentenced to test for her crime.Shoulder decease be bestowed for a offense against Gods? May the council be troubled bydecision of this. What should be done by these who fear the truth? On the twenty-four hours of her test, Hester and her kid now named Pearl. They took up the

base for all T

he townsfolk to see. Questions were asked, statements were made.Agreement to guilt by one party concerned, while the Reverend in silence stood fearfulthat truth would be learned. Coward was he so lost in the crowd, his eyes gazed intentlyto his secret child. A man in the crowd, a husband thought lost, stood disguised by his new identitythe man once known was not here but lost. He looked at his wife where she stood on thestand ashamed in his heart of what she had done. This man could do nothing but plan hisrevenge and sit there in silence till the trial came to end. ” Turn in your partner in the crime you commit. Go down together and thesentence will be much less strict.” Hester Pryne would not give his name but instead shethought it was better to take all the blame. That she did, branded by all, made to wear ascarlet “A” from this day forth. After her sentencing she was taken back to the prison house where she was to bekept with her child until release. Shortly after her return Roger Chillingworth now amedicine man came to Hester and her child Pearl. He told Hester who he once was asshe sat astonished by disgrace. He then proceeded to give little Pearl some medicine. Time passed by as it always does. Hester and Pearl were released on there ownaccord. People even then gossiped about anything and everything. By now the tale ofshe who was branded by sin was widely known. As she walked down the roads Hesterwas stared upon by the lingering eyes of all. What was hidden beneath the brand that marked the sins of the past? Was thesentence passed upon Hester right for the committed crime or was this just another sick,cruel game of life? Perhaps there lies a meaning, an unlearned lesson between the linesof this classic masterpiece. Overall this book shows the gradual changes placed on the past not quiteforgotten. It showed the courage of Hester Pryne, one woman who took claim for all heractions right and wrong. If this is the past then what will beheld by the approachingfuture not yet known. Out of all the works Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote, the Scarlet Letter was the novelhe is best remembered for. In this book, Hawthorne tries to show that crime andpunishment were going to bring about the death of civilized life by using symbolism andambiguity. Hawthorne uses symbolism the most in his novel even though he didn’t intend itto be that way. The first of his symbols was when he describes the prison as “the blackflower of civilized society”. By using the building of the prison to represent the crime andpunishment which were aspects of early Boston’s civilized life, and by contrasting thissymbol with the tombstone at the end of the novel, he is suggesting that crime andpunishment were going to bring about the death of civilized life, which is exactly what hewanted to do. Another symbol is when he uses the grass plot “much overgrown withburdock, pigweed, apple-peru, and such unsightly vegetation”. This suggests yet anothersymbol of civilization corrupted by the elements which make prisons necessaryThis paper was written by Lee and they can be reached at [email protected].

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