Sense and Sensibility Essay

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Jane Austen’s novel “Sense and Sensibility” was originally named “Elinor and Marianne” before the rubric was changed during publication in 1811. Therefore. the readers associate Elinor with “sense” and Marianne with “sensibility” . “Sense” and “sensibility” set up the overall word picture of the two chief characters. The duality of “sense” and “sensibility” is one of the positions through which the novel is most normally analyzed.

Although Jane Austen seems to be in favor of “sense” . through the novel’s secret plan and word picture of the Dashwood sisters. Jane Austen seems to be proposing that a balance of both properties is necessary in order for one to last in their society. “Sense and Sensibility” refer to Elinor and Marianne. severally. From the footers of the novel. “sense” is defined as possessing judgement and intelligence. while “sensibility” is defined as capacity for refined emotional response to feelings and experiences. affecting delicate sensitiveness to moral and aesthetic issues.

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From these descriptions. Elinor can be portrayed as the incarnation of “sense” . while Marianne is “sensibility” . At the beginning of the novel. Jane Austen describes these two traits in Elinor and Marianne and how they are in comparing to each other. “Elinor… possessed a strength of apprehension and imperturbability of judgment… and her feelings were strong: but she knew how to regulate them” and “Marianne’s… rather equal to Elinor… but eager in everything… she was everything but prudent. ” These descriptions set up the basic personalities of the Dashwood sisters throughout the novel and are of import in demoing their growing.

Some of the chief tests faced in the novel are for “sense” and “sensibility” to collaborate and for the sisters to happen a meeting point between ground and emotion. In the novel. as Elinor and Marianne mature and develop. the readers start to see the sisters exhibiting each other’s features. For case. when Elinor finds out that it was Robert that Lucy married and non Edward. she reacted the manner the readers would anticipate Marianne to act: “Elinor could sit no longer… burst into cryings of joy. which at first she thought would ne’er discontinue. ” By exhibiting “sensibility” .

Elinor demonstrates to Edward her feelings for him and accordingly. they are merrily married at the terminal of the novel. Another case is when Marianne reflects on her behaviour: “My unwellness has made me think… I saw in my ain behavior… nil but a series of imprudence towards myself and desire of kindness to others. ” Here Marianne begins to believe more rationally and before long. she sees how lovingness and heroic Colonel Brandon is capable of being ( antecedently. she thought of Colonel Brandon as 1 who has succumbed to the frailty of dull in-between age ) and finally. Marianne gets her happy stoping.

From the aforesaid illustrations. the readers perceive that it is merely when the sisters are able to happen an intersection point between ground and emotion and their “sense” and “sensibility” are in balance. make the Dashwood sisters get their deserved results. Here. the rubric “Sense and Sensibility” act as a secret plan device. every bit good as a device for character development. Another manner in which the rubric of the novel is important is it explores some of the chief concerns in “Sense and Sensibility” . One of the chief concerns explored is the relationship between Elinor and Marianne.

The rubric “Sense AND Sensibility” possibly suggests that “sense” can non be and map without “sensibility” and frailty versa. Sing that Elinor represents “sense” and Marianne represents “sensibility” . this would explicate the reversal of functions at the terminal of the novel. The function reversal discards the slightly fixed descriptions of the Dashwood sisters at the beginning of the novel. If Elinor and Marianne were to stay true to Jane Austen’s word picture of them. they would non be able to accomplish their several happy terminations. Another concern explored through the rubric is social outlooks of adult females.

In the debut. it explains that “sensibility” may be considered as “a feminine property in some respects. but it would be socially inconvenient for adult females to possess excessively much of it. for they would non suit in with what was required of them or set up with what they had to endure” . One illustration. where the “possession” of excessively much “sensibility” has caused a job is Marianne. When Marianne saw Willoughby at the ball. she was overcome by emotions and acted against the societal codification and shortly after that she fell badly. This is a consequence of her holding excessively much of “sensibility” and excessively small “sense” .

Possibly Austen is seeking to do a point that in society. a adult female needs to hold Elinor’s “sense” . but she besides needs to expose emotion and possess a spot of passion like Marianne. In short. the well balance of “sense” and “sensibility” is necessary. All in all. the overall feeling that the readers get from the rubric. “Sense and Sensibility” . in relation to the novel’s secret plan and characters. is that the novel is non about the victory of sense over esthesia or their division ; on the contrary. the readers remember “sense” and “sensibility” as a concurrence of footings that serve together as the compound topic of Jane Austen’s novel.

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