The Ice Stom And Scence And Sensibility

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The Ice Storm and Scene and Sensibility

Ang Lee

Merritt McMullen

Ang Lee directed both Ice Storm and Scene and Sensibility ; these are narratives of disfunction households that have to cover with the assortment of jobs that occur. Even with the known fact that one narrative takes topographic point in modern twenty-four hours while the other occurs in Elizabethan times ; there are a figure of similarities. As characters search for stableness, long for lecherousness or love, and maintain their feelings locked indoors ; their ruin shortly follows, but as they return from silence they will happen felicity.

Mikey seeks stableness in his life of pandemonium and problems. He yearns for this stableness because he lacks a secure household life style. The Dashwood sisters are much like Mikey in the since that they excessively yearn for a steady life style with one adult male. They are in a changeless hunt for a hubby that would give them the stable life that they long for. As for both Mikey and the sisters this stableness causes decease. Mikey is fascinated with molecules and the cleanliness ; he believed the molecules had stopped when they were frozen. Everything being frozen is a symbol of stableness, but this is an semblance because the ice will shortly run and therefore no longer be stabile. Immediately after Mikey sits down and finds his solid base decease follows. He is wholly drawn into the wires and blinking visible radiations ; these wires portray a serpent. This serpent is a symbol for the enticement for sex within his household, so in a since his households compulsion for sex putting to deaths him. The Dashwood sisters yearn for a hubby, but as they become rather near, their loved 1s so escape for London. As the ice appeared solid, so did the two twosomes love, but merely as the ice melted, so does the love. The sisters feel hurting and sorrow ; so much that their Black Marias in a since about dice.

In the Ice Storm, a modern twenty-four hours film, the characters desire sex and lecherousness for one another. In Scene and Sensibility, set in the yesteryear, the characters desire love and a hubby, non one time did they demo a twosome even snog. Agg Lee shows how people in the past had different ethical motives and criterions so we do today. But the yearning for sex and personal businesss are equal to the yearning for love, in the yesteryear. The cardinal parties in a since are equal to London, they both symbolize the breakage of relationships. The cardinal parties are the official stone underside in a twosome? s relationship ; true love which should be the footing in the relationship is non being valued. Similar to this in London I

s where all the truth is reveled and the twosomes officially breakup ; at this point the sister? s have besides hit stone underside within their lives. The societal categories keep lovers off from felicity, true love and stableness ; merely as the cardinal parties keep the household distant from felicity and a stable life.

Silence from keep backing emotion causes farther job within the household relationships. In the concluding scene of the Ice Storm the household gets in the auto and a silence reigns over them as the male parent begins to sob. To me this silence stands for desperation. In the old scenes when something went incorrect and the parents both knew it occurred they would state to be soundless or we are traveling to destroy everything. And this concluding scene is parallel to all those old minutes. The whole household knew something awfully incorrect had occurred with both the decease and the sexual personal businesss, so in consequence there is merely a long silence in which they are covering up their jobs alternatively of confronting them and in the terminal the male parent can no longer manage all the concealed emotions and begins to shout. The immature miss Margaret in Sense and Sensibility realizes her household ne’er negotiations about their jobs as they occur. This is awarkward because she, in the beginning, hid from any job or alter her tree house or under a tabular array. Miss Dashwood ( the oldest sister ) would keep back all her emotions toward Edward Farris ; she would non portion her feelings for him with even her sister. Along with losing their love 1s, silence caused the ruin in the Dashwood household.

As the Dashwood? s began to talk of their many problems and sorrows and face the facts that they had learned in life, they grew closer and got past the loss of their lovers. As for the Ice Storm, the male parent eventually coming out and showing his emotion through weeping could be a mark of hope in the hereafter to acquire passed their many jobs of life within the dysfunctional household. The Dashwood sisters recovered from there sorrow and found true stableness.

Problems in the characters lives of both the Ice Storm and Sense and Sensibility caused their emotional an even physical ruin. As the characters withheld their idea and feelings of either hatred, desperation, or love they sunk into a greater depression. But as they portion their locked up emotions they are freed from their sorrow and happen felicity. As the characters search for stableness, long for lecherousness and love, and maintain their feelings locked indoors ; their ruin shortly follows, but as they return from silence they will happen felicity.

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