The Crime Of The Century Essay Research

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The Crime Of The Century Essay, Research Paper

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The Crime of the century

There are few offenses in the universe & # 8217 ; s history that can be categorized as the offense of the century ; one offense that does keep this rubric is the blackwash of the 35th president of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. There are many theories as to who was behind the slaying of JFK. History books tell us that a lone bravo, Lee Harvey Oswald, fired three shootings from the eastern most 6th floor window, of the Texas School Book Depository ( TSBD ) Building on November 22,1963, fatally injuring President Kennedy. Contrary to what the history books say, there is an overpowering sum of grounds that proves that Lee Harvey Oswald did non kill JFK, and that there was a confederacy, headed by top functionaries of the U.S. authorities, to non merely kill President Kennedy, but cover the offense up.

In order to turn out that there was a confederacy secret plan to kill JFK, one must first turn out that Lee Harvey Oswald did non kill him. Oswald would hold been unable to fire the shootings from the 6th floor window. A bystander in Dealey Plaza that twenty-four hours, Abraham Zapruter captured the full horrific scene on picture. & # 8220 ; The Zapruter movie clearly fixes the clip of the first shooting at frame Z-189 There is a immense oak tree in forepart of the book depositary edifice. In November 1963 that tree was so big that it made it impossible for anyone to hold lined up a shooting from the Oswald Window at Z-189 ( Prouty 9 ) . & # 8221 ; If Oswald could non hold fired the first shooting, than who did? There is photographic grounds provided by the Zapruter movie to turn out that there was a shooting. Oswald & # 8217 ; s & # 8220 ; lair & # 8221 ; was non in a place that he could hold taken this first shooting, intending person else was firing that twenty-four hours ; a 2nd gunslinger. That entirely is grounds adequate to give Oswald & # 8217 ; s presumed guilt a sensible uncertainty, which would hold made him a free adult male in a tribunal of jurisprudence. That, though is non the lone grounds in Oswald & # 8217 ; s favour. & # 8220 ; An officer dashed into the TSBD within a minute of the shootings, and at that place, along with the director of the edifice, found Oswald imbibing a coke on the 2nd floor. Oswald would hold had to hold dashed down the steps from the 6th floor and they would hold noticed if he had been winded. Subsequently, when others tried to double the effort of coming down from the 6th floor, it was found to be impossible in the clip span available ( Groden 20 ) . & # 8221 ; It is extremely improbable that a individual would kill the President of the United States and less than two proceedingss subsequently calmly have a coke! The ground that Lee Oswald was on the 2nd floor holding a coke, he did non kill President Kennedy.

There is a significant sum of grounds that leads one to believe that there was more than one gunslinger in Dealey Plaza on November 22,1963. The most over overpowering piece of grounds that supports there being two gunslingers in Dealey Plaza was created by the Warren Commission ( The Warren Commission was a authorities appointed group of persons that were to cover-up, pardon me, look into the blackwash ) . This grounds is what has been called the & # 8220 ; charming slug theory. & # 8221 ; As stated earlier, it was concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shootings at the president. One of the slugs was the headshot that fatally wounded the president. Another slug missed the auto and struck a kerb were cement fragments hit and injured a bystander. That leaves merely one slug to account for seven lesions between President Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally ( Connally and his married woman rode in the auto along with president and Mrs. Kennedy ) . This is the & # 8220 ; magic bullet. & # 8221 ; The slug entered the dorsum of the president ( wound # 1 ) and exited from his pharynx ( wound # 2 ) . The slug so entered Governor Connally & # 8217 ; s back ( lesion # 3 ) and exited his thorax ( wound # 4 ) . Next the slug enters Connally & # 8217 ; s carpus ( wound # 5 ) , exits from his manus ( wound # 6 ) , and ends it & # 8217 ; s journey in his thigh ( wound # 7 ) ( Prouty 5 ) . & # 8220 ; An reading of this thesis means the slug would hold had to do a right and upward bend upon go forthing JFK & # 8217 ; s pharynx, paused in midair for more than two seconds, made a left and immerse downward bend as it entered Connally & # 8217 ; s back, made a right and upward bend as it left Connally & # 8217 ; s chest, passed through Connally & # 8217 ; s carpus in the way rearward from the manner his carpus was confronting, made another left and downward bend, so wound up in Connally & # 8217 ; s left thigh ( Prouty 6 ) . & # 8221 ; That is a batch of going for one slug. This theory entirely should hold been the Warren Commission & # 8217 ; s foundation to turn out that a confederacy existed, alternatively it is the foundation for their & # 8220 ; lone Assassin & # 8221 ; theory. Governor Connally himself had a theory to the gunfires. & # 8220 ; In malice of being himself shooting in the hail of gunshot, Governor Connally-himself an adept hunter-remembered that because of the & # 8216 ; celerity & # 8217 ; of the shootings, & # 8216 ; the idea instantly passed through my head that there were two or three people involved, or more in this ; or that person was hiting an automatic rifle ( Summers 52 ) . & # 8217 ; & # 8221 ; There is still more grounds to turn out another gunslingers in Dealey Plaza. Arnold Gordon was in Dealey Plaza on November 22. & # 8220 ; Arnold walked to the top of the grassy mound ( The grassy mound was an country in Dealey Plaza in forepart and to the right of the president & # 8217 ; s auto. See diagram ) merely before the president arrived, looking for a good vantage point Arnold was traveling along the fence-on the side hidden from the road-when & # 8216 ; this cat merely walked toward me and said that I shouldn & # 8217 ; t be up at that place. He showed me a badge and said that he was Secret Service and that he didn & # 8217 ; t want anybody up there. & # 8217 ; It sounded reasonable plenty, and Arnold moved to the following best spot-beside a tree on the route side of the fencing, high up on the grassy incline Then the motorcade arrived Arnold maintains, & # 8216 ; the shooting came from behind me merely inches over my left shoulder ( Summers 58 ) . & # 8217 ; & # 8221 ; This is even more grounds turn outing a secon

500 gunslingers and a confederacy. The grounds of more than one gunslinger does non stop at that place, in fact, there is grounds of even a 3rd gunslingers. “Lyndal Shaneyfelt, the FBI’s ballistic trajectories and photographic expert, took this image ( Photo # 6 in Guns of Dallas ) from the topographic point where the shooting that missed hit the kerb. By spying back to the 6th floor window, the grade of girl can be seen. By spying straight over JFK’s place, the top of the white auto in centre lane, anyone can see where the shooting came from: the 2nd floor window of the Daltex edifice ( Prouty 9 ) .” With this grounds the Warren Commission should hold had no pick but to reason that there was a confederacy. But the Warren Commission’s occupation was non to turn out a confederacy ; their occupation was to cover it up.

There is more than adequate grounds turn outing a confederacy to kill JFK. That though is non even the true offense. The true offense is how the American populace, with the aid of the imperativeness, allowed the Dallas constabularies, Washington D.C. and the Warren Commission to cover it up. The cover-up began at 12:31 on November 22, 1963, merely one minute after president Kennedy was shot. Many people believe that they heard shootings coming from behind the lookout fencing on the grassy mound. & # 8221 ; Policemans dashed up the incline of the grassy mound, where they wee met by work forces blinking secret service badges, and turned off. Subsequently, it was established that no Secret Service agents were present anyplace in that country, so clearly, work forces had been provided false designation and were in topographic point during the shot to turn back the constabulary, giving the gunslingers clip to get away ( Groden 19 ) . Who were these work forces and how did they have Secret Service Identification? The Warren Commission, the CIA, nor the Dallas constabulary section has any account for this, but there is an account, CONSPIRACY. The cover-up does non halt at that place. There are the celebrated & # 8220 ; tramp & # 8221 ; exposures. & # 8220 ; Photographic grounds, including the celebrated & # 8216 ; tramp & # 8217 ; exposure, show that work forces were & # 8216 ; arrested & # 8217 ; at Dealey Plaza. No record of these apprehensions exists and there is none in the Warren Report ( Prouty 21 ) . & # 8221 ; Many confederacy experts believe that these are exposure of the gunslingers that were located behind the lookout fencing on the grassy mound. These work forces are supposed to be & # 8220 ; tramps & # 8221 ; or mooch taken away of railway autos located behind the lookout fencing. Yet these & # 8220 ; tramps & # 8221 ; photographed are have oning athleticss jackets, nice places and are flawlessly shaven. If these work forces were merely & # 8220 ; tramps & # 8221 ; why was there no record of their apprehension of file with the Dallas Police? Why was the Warren Commission ne’er told of these work forces? Why were they released merely proceedingss after the President of the United States was murdered? Why? CONSPIRACY Need More grounds? Col. L. Fletcher Prouty was in New Zealand at the clip of JFK & # 8217 ; s slaying ( the offense happened at 6:30am on the 23rd of November in New Zealand ) . Col. Prouty recalls, & # 8220 ; I was on my manner to breakfast with a member of the Congress from Ohio we purchased the first newspaper available It is astonishing to re-read the front page of that paper today and happen all of the item, the singular item, about Lee Harvey Oswald, about his service in the Marine corps, about his life in Russia, about his Russian married woman, and so the full scenario of the offense. Then one begins to inquire who it was that was able in so short a clip to come up with such a life history of so vague a twenty-four-year-old & # 8216 ; loner. & # 8217 ; The Dallas constabularies had non charged him with any offense by the clip that the paper had hit the streets ( Prouty 22 ) . & # 8221 ; It is clear that the CIA, the authorities, or who of all time was in charge had already established who their & # 8220 ; assassin & # 8221 ; would be long before President Kennedy had even been killed. How else would a New Zealand Newspaper have such a elaborate history of the & # 8220 ; assassin & # 8221 ; of the President of the United States before he had even been charged with the offense. The confederacy and cover-up does non halt at that place though. This & # 8220 ; Secret Team, & # 8221 ; as called by Col. Prouty, has gone so far to maintain the truth hidden, that they have had an overpowering figure of people, that knew excessively much or saw something that they should non hold, killed. In the record books these deceases are categorized as bosom onslaughts, self-destructions auto-accidents, and even merely unresolved slayings. A London Sunday Times article said the odds were 100,000 trillion to one that so many informants would decease so shortly after the blackwash no affair what the cause ( Groden 111 ) . & # 8221 ; 100,000 trillion to one: those are some reasonably improbable odds. There are excessively many deceases and excessively many unusual fortunes to travel into great item, but the world of the state of affairs is that it would be extremely improbable that so many people involved in the blackwash or informants to the blackwash would decease so shortly after the blackwash. This is merely another facet of the instance that points toward a confederacy.

The blackwash of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was so the offense of the century, possibly the offense of history. There is an extraordinary sum of grounds turn outing Lee Harvey Oswald is non guilty and turn outing a authorities ordered confederacy to kill President Kennedy and cover the offense up. We may ne’er with absolute certainty what happened in Dallas Texas in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

Griffith, Michael T.. & # 8220 ; Research Note # 7: Chemical reaction to five shootings in the Zapruder Film. & # 8221 ;

Compeling Evidence: A New Look at the Assassination of President Kennedy.

22 January 1997. Online. 9 November 1998.

Groden, Robert J. , and Howard Edward Livingstone. High Treason. Baltimore: The

Conservatory P, 1989.

Payne, Darwin. & # 8220 ; What James Worrell saw and heard. & # 8221 ; Time Herald. 6 March 1964.Online. 25 October 1998.

Prouty, Fletcher L. & # 8220 ; Guns of Dallas & # 8221 ; 1975. Online 25 October 1998.

Summers, Anthony. Conspiracy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.

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