The Effects Of Marijuana On The Brain

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Marijuana has been illegal for old ages because of the idea that it was a drug similar to cocaine, or diacetylmorphine. Drugs such as cocaine and diacetylmorphine affect the neurotransmitter Dopastat. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with highly enjoyable esthesiss. If a drug interferes with its production and causes excessively much to be produced the consequence is highly enjoyable and can take to terrible maltreatment and dependence. It has late been proven that marihuana is non a drug that affects the production of Dopastat.

The mean marihuana works contains over 400 chemicals and when the works is smoked or vaporized the heat produces many more. Receptors in the nervus cells of the encephalon receive these chemicals and the chemicals cause the nervus cell to alter in some manner. The chemical in marihuana that has the biggest impact on the encephalon is THC ( THC ) .

Tetrahydrocannabinol receptors are abundant in the encephalon but they are concentrated in certain countries. One part of the encephalon where THC receptors are extremely concentrated is the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the country of the encephalon that processes memory. When THC attaches to receptors in the hippocampus, it weakens short-run memory. The hippocampus besides communicates with other parts of the encephalon that process new information into long-run memory. So under the influence of marihuana, new information may ne’er register and be

lost from memory wholly. There is besides a heavy concentration of THC receptors in the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Both of these countries affect motion and coordination. One country that does non incorporate any THC receptors is the myelin. The myelin controls many maps essential to life such as bosom rate and digestion so the deficiency of receptors in this country has prevented any deathly overdoses of marihuana.

In add-on to holding important effects on the encephalon and impairing memory and coordination, marihuana has effects on other entrails as good. Marijuana causes the bosom to crush up to forty times more per minute. This can do bosom onslaughts or bosom failure. Approximately 1 % of all bosom onslaught victims suffer their bosom onslaughts on the same twenty-four hours as utilizing marihuana and.2 % of victims say that they smoked marihuana within one hr of their onslaught. The effects of marihuana on the bosom and other variety meats can be really unsafe, nevertheless this consequence is extremely undistinguished compared to the effects on the encephalon.

Marijuana can be really unsafe if used in extra. Though it does non do the user to go physically dependent it can do them to go psychologically dependent. The encephalon is rather perchance the most of import organ in the organic structure and the usage of marihuana causes the encephalon to map in ways that can be unsafe to the user or to others and for this marihuana is illegal, and rightly so.

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