The Movie ”The Patriot” Essay Sample

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The focal point of the paper is to measure and analyse the historical truth of the 2000 filmThe Patriotby manager Roland Emmerich and written by Robert Rodat. ( Carr. D1 ) This film is a pro US action film that the film makers used as a agency of demoing the heroism and gallantry of the revolutionists. It is an effort to turn out the beginning of the US as a state to be to be able to contend the mightiest power of the world- the British Empire.

The film is based on the American War of Independence against the British during the late 18ThursdayCentury. The supporter of the film. Benjamin Martin. is formulated on an existent character of the American War of Independence named Francis Marion. While measuring the film’s historical truth it could be stated that the work is fundamentally a historical fiction as apart from the canvas of the War mot of the actions taken are fabricated. ( Moxham. 1 ) However. from the point of position of historical truth it can be stated that the minor inside informations of the film is good accurate like the uniforms and the muskets along with the inside informations of family properties and similar utensils. ( Fischer. B3 ) The elect British force called Dragoon. such as the Green Dragoon in the movie and which was operational during the War. is besides depicted in the film with high realistic mode. The character of General Cornwallis is really accurate along with his love for Canis familiariss and composed preciseness of war planning and developing cunning schemes as it was established during his runs in Ireland and India. ( Kennedy. MC03 ) He was besides a just individual and quick to recognize favourable or unfavourable state of affairs. ( Smith. 1 ) The film was rather accurate while picturing this historical character.

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However. there are excessively much historical inaccuracies in film. ( Coles. 1 ) The first and foremost is the character of Benjamin Martin. He is seen in the film as a revengeful individual but with an enduring and calculating head. Apart from that he is represented as a household individual with high values about life and moral. But. in world. the historical character of Francis Marion is largely viewed as a individual of low moral and legal facets. It is historically believed that Francis Marion was instrumental in ravishing Indian adult females and it was about his favourite interest. It should besides be noted that this character should be a slave owner but the film depicts that as if the black community is merely a paid employee at the farmhouse. ( McCarthy. 13 ) Christopher Hibbert. the celebrated historiographer mentioned that Marion was even worse than the colonial British forces and his runs against the native Indians were highly bloody-minded. Even the existent life character of Colonel Banastre Tarleton. depicted in the film as the sadist ( Lind. 1 ) Colonel William Tavington. ( Fischer. B3 ) is shown in a low visible radiation even though there are no historical grounds that Tarleton was anyplace near the context of interrupting war codifications or perpetrating war offenses. There is besides no grounds that Tarleton killed immature male childs in cold bosom as shown in the film. ( Hitchens. 1 )

It is certain that the movie shapers Roland Emmerich and Robert Rodat have their ain personal docket against the British or else it could be stated that they were merely seeking to paint the characters in simple black and white with high volume of flag waving to do it popular in the market goaded industry of Hollywood. ( Hitchens. 1 ) The film makers merely tried to turn out those British forces. or any oppressor. were evil and there no stoping to the Americans without the obliteration of the British. ( Doherty. E2 )

From the context of recreational historian seeking to larn more about America it can be stated that at least this film would non function any great intent or cognition. If the broader historical context is taken into history the lone persons sustainable against the misinformation would be people who are experts of US history. Others would merely be subjected to the propaganda served by the film makers and therefore movie would non be helpful for them because the broader position of the war is merely instrumental when. and merely if. the major historical characters are depicted in their true colourss.


Carr. Jay ; Mel Gibson Shows a Brave Heart in ‘The Patriot’ ; Movie Review The Patriot ; The Boston Globe ;Globe Newspaper Company; June 28. 2000. Wednesday

Moxham. A P ; Mel’s Code mistake ; Sunday Express ;Express Newspapers; May 28. 2006 Sunday

Fischer. David Hackett ; Patriot is to history as Godzilla is to biological science ; The Gazette ; CanWest Interactive. a division ofCanWest Global Communications Corp; July 4. 2000

Kennedy. Joseph S ; In Philadelphia Area. Washington Matched Wits With Cornwallis The British General Was Known For His Tactical Skills. / Ultimately. the American’s Strategic Grasp Prevailed ;The Philadelphia Inquirer; OCTOBER 10. 1999

Smith. Bruce ; Artifacts of British besieging of Charleston portion of new exhibit ;The Associated Press State & A ; Local Wire; May 31. 2003. Saturday

Kales. Joanna ; The feel-good history that misleads America ; The Times ;Timess Newspapers Limited ;July 10. 2000. Monday

McCarthy. Phillip ; Star-Mangled Spanner In History’s Works ; Sydney Morning Herald ;John Fairfax Publications Pty Ltd; July 15. 2000 Saturday

Hitchens. Peter ; We Should All Be True Patriots And Shun This Pack Of Hollywood Lies; The Express ; Express Newspaper; July 14. 2000

Lind. Michael ; Unpatriotic ; Star Magazine ;Washingtonpost. Newsweek Interactive Company.LLC ; July 28. 2000. Friday

Doherty. Thomas ; At Last. Our Revolution Done Right Oedipus Is Rex And A Viewer Might Almost Be Moved To Patriotism ; The Boston Globe ;Globe Newspaper Company; July 16. 2000. Sunday

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