What was the most important cause of world war Essay

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On Sunday 28th June. 1914. the inheritor to the Austro-Hungarian Throne. Archduke Franz Ferdinand. and his married woman. were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. portion of a Serbian Terrorist Group. called the Black Hand at Sarajevo. the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovnia. This event and the tenseness between Europe was a trigger that set off declarations of war and resulted in World War 1. Tensions had been constructing up in Europe for decennaries through Nationalism. Imperialism. Militarism. and Alliances. and these tensenesss had range such a point that an event was needed to interrupt these tensenesss.

This was the blackwash of the Archduke. Therefore the blackwash. Nationalism. Militarism. Imperialism and Alliances were causes of World War One. NATIONALISM Around the 1900. there was a love and devotedness that started to happen towards a individuals state. Alternatively of belonging to different dukes or male monarchs. people started to hold patriotism or nationalism towards their state. a kind of pride towards their state.

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This pride in one’s state resulted in states believing that they were superior than other states. and that giving other land. states or people for the benefit of your ain state was a good thing. because your state is “better” and hence has more rights. This started confederations and integrity between states whom had same ends and hence could contend together. For illustration in the instance of the integrity between Britain and France. they united because they both believed they were contending external aggression that threatened their security ( From a turning industrialized now unified Germany.

) In intent of get the better ofing Germany If needed. and confederation was formed. because in world. the Patriotism in Russia and Britain was that we are better than Germany. and hence together we can be superior to it. In Germany though. there were two trains of idea. The predominating thought line was Germany needed to come in the war every bit shortly as possible. because they were being surrounded by attackers such as France. Britain and Russia. The German people besides bought into this impression. as this patriotism that started to be into Germany shortly turned into green-eyed monster.

When states start presuming that they are better than others. green-eyed monster signifiers between these states and this in return bends into tenseness. Patriotism in Germany had turned into green-eyed monster when Britain and France. turned Allies. and hence Germany made Alliess with states. This in return increased tensenesss between opposing states until the tryst of the Archduke. MILITARISM In the decennary that lead up to the war. most of the chief powers needed a strong military to be able to exercise their imperial laterality. and hence strong armed forcess were popular during the period.

As a consequence of that. European powers wanted to increase their military power and outdo other states in footings of Military power and laterality. As a state increased their military power with larger ground forcess and more arms. others states would make the same. in order to avoid the balance of power tipping to far one manner. and this in bend increased the chances of World War One. This became known as the Arms Race. and this Militarism. helped construct a foundation of war which was triggered by the blackwash. Imperialism

By 1921. Britain had control over many states in the universe: India. Australia. Papua New Guinea. in fact at the extremum of its power. it was frequently said that “the Sun ne’er sets on the British Empire” because its span across the Earth ensured that the Sun was ever reflecting on at least one of its legion settlements. This is known as imperialism and as agencies when a state takes over new lands or states and makes them capable to their regulation. Many states such as the British Empire were at the extremum of their industrial revolution and their developments of industries were immense.

When industrialism occurs. states need foreign markets to sell their addition in goods. When the war began all the major European powers had built up important abroad colonial imperiums with Britain and France taking the manner. The Germans were latecomers to this game and all the good states were already taken. The Germans were left with some little and commercially fringy settlements. German nationalists found this difficult to bear. There was a great trade of green-eyed monster in Germany in respect to the British and Gallic imperiums.

Furthermore. Britain in peculiar. used its navy and merchant naval forces to rule abroad trade. which besides provided a beginning of annoyance to the Germans. The Germans embarked on a plan of monolithic naval disbursement in order to make a navy capable of disputing Britain’s domination of the sea. This caused considerable concern in Britain and tensenesss between the Germans and the Britain. Once the trigger was fired. the blackwash of the Archduke. Imperialism straight led to a naval weaponries race between the two states. Alliances

An confederation is an understanding made between two or more states to give each other aid if it is needed. This was the chief ground that World War One turned from a Balkan War to World War One. affecting more than merely the states in Europe. When a state declared war. Alliess had no option but to declare war. and Alliess of those states had to declare war to. Therefore. a concatenation reaction occurred when war was declared. On 1st August 1914. when war was declared by Germany. the two chief Alliances came into drama: The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.

Because Germany declared war on Russia. Russia’s Alliess because of the Triple Entente entered the War. They included France and Britain. Now during this the Ternary Alliance came into drama and the Alliess of Germany. which included Italy and the Austria-Hungary Empire. were at war against each other. Besides in instances such as Britain. states that were portion of the British Empire. such as Australia and India. being portion of the British Empire had a responsibility to help Britain in the war. As you can see these confederations caused this war. alternatively of being contained in Europe. to distribute and go an International matter.

If there were no confederations during World War One. each state would hold been contending for themselves. and hence the War would hold been contained in the states who wanted to travel to war. but in this instance. these confederations resulted in mandatory attending in war as an confederation and this caused such a annihilating war. Conclusion The blackwash was the trigger. for what were causes of tensenesss dwelling in Europe. Once the trigger occurred ; Imperialism. Nationalism. Militarism and Alliances all played their portion in determining one of the universe most annihilating Wars. The blackwash triggered states to travel to war. and

so Alliess to travel to war. and so settlements to travel to war. such as the British Empire sending Australia to war and so ensue in green-eyed monsters between states through imperialism and patriotism. Germany experiencing that Russia and Britain had colonized to many states and that it had a upper right manus. with people from assorted states experiencing that their state is the best and hence should there power through such things as their military power. hence conveying in militarism. As you can see all these points are twisted and they together form the cause of why such a war like World War One occurred and why it was so annihilating

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