Was World War 1 Inevitable? Essay

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The First World War has established an unforgettable memoir in the history books. World War 1 was a slaughter of human life and an of import event that determined the present province of the modern universe. Yes. World War 1 was inevitable. The foundation of the causes of World War 1 can be traced back to several factors that were constructing up international tenseness to the ultimate consequence of war. In the 1900s. the European states were highly competitory in widening their influence around the universe. Their competitory nature was motivated by the encouragement of patriotism within states. the embroiled confederations between states. the weaponries race and the conflict to get settlements around the universe contributed to the little differences that exploded to the decision of World War 1 with the blackwash of Austro-Hungarian inheritor. Franz Ferdinand.

First. patriotism was a main subscriber to advancing competition between the European states. In the 1900s. the European states were sing a period of monolithic industrialisation which created a excess of goods and arms. As a consequence. foreign markets had to be dominated to sell goods and to guarantee the nation’s prosperity. The leaders of Europe instilled loyal feelings in their citizens and were distributing a belief that their country’s high quality made them destined for illustriousness. The demand to command foreign markets provoked a competition for district which caused further nationalism among the states in Europe that evolved into a fright and intuition of other states. This loyal attitude was negatively impacting the relationships among the people populating in Europe such as in the transnational Austria-Hungary where there were struggles between different cultural groups due to the desire to be independent from Austro-Hungarian regulation.

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Additionally. the Serbians life in Bosnia murdered Franz Ferdinand because they wanted to be free of Austro-Hungarian regulation and return to old Serbian regulation as they felt their trueness was to merely Serbia. Austria-Hungary acted on its irrational chauvinistic behavior when it declared war on Serbia for its engagement in the blackwash of their inheritor. even though there was no solid cogent evidence of Serbia’s engagement in the offense. Furthermore. the independent states in Europe were hungering more power which put them in a changeless conflict to turn out their high quality to the other states. This issue was present in many ways in World War 1 such as when Germany was constructing up their ground forces as a manner of increasing their prestigiousness. the Gallic wanting to derive back their two lost states from Germany through military agencies and the Russians desiring another opportunity to deliver their national honor that had been lost through another war.

The states of Europe expressed their desires for peace but non at the disbursal of their national honor. With these attitudes. it was non long before the tenseness and dissensions led to war. The loyal attitudes that formed in Europe were emphasizing relationships negatively and it caused a rise in international tensenesss. The physique up of these differences were doing the result of war ineluctable. Though states looked at each other in unfavorable visible radiation. they knew they were vulnerable if they were entirely so they decided to organize confederations.

Alliances were going a really common issue in Europe. Alliances made the European states pick sides. therefore it divided Europe. The confederations were made in secret therefore it produced much misgiving and intuition among European powers. There was the Triple Entente which consisted of France. Russia and Britain who feared the rise of Germany and in return. Germany. Austria-Hungary and Italy established the Triple Alliance. The general intuition involved in confederations prevented their diplomats from inventing a suited solution to many of the crises. As good. confederations were largely created on a war-footing and so heightened the war tenseness and farther contributed to the weaponries race among the European powers. For illustration. within four old ages after the formation of the Triple Entente in 1907. Germany had built 9 dreadnaughts and accordingly Britain built 18. This leads to the decision that the European powers were ready for war in 1914. It is of import to recognize that since the European powers made confederations with each other. little statements refering one power might take to a war affecting all the powers.

In the instance of the blackwash of Franz Ferdinand. this state of affairs created a serious misinterpretation between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and as a consequence. the other states in Europe involved in confederations with either 2 states were obligated to back up them. Alliances were originally created purely for defensive intents but by 1910. many of the confederations had changed their character like the Austro-German confederation. Germany promised to give military assistance to Austria-Hungary to occupy Serbia and on the other manus. Russia provided Serbia with military aid. As confederations had become instruments of national aggression. the opportunities of war doubled. The chance of Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia due to the decease of their inheritor increased because Austria-Hungary could trust on the support of Germany to assist accomplish its end. In add-on. this delicate interlock of confederations relied on the leaders of the European states to move moderately nevertheless. this was non the instance in the state of affairs of World War 1.

The Kaiser of Germany felt his state was being denied the opportunity to unleash its full potency by Britain so the power hungry swayer was determined to turn out to the World that Germany was as capable and powerful as Britain. He was continually being pressured by his military officers to get down a war because a war would be good concern for the military and his finding to show the domination of his state made Germany a strong rival for war. On the other manus. the Czar of Russia’s deficiency of engagement in his country’s political relations symbolized the weak leading of Russia. The combination of strong military confederations and bad leaders promoted the certainty of the happening of the First World War. Besides in the early 1900’s. the European powers were constructing up their ground forcess in the competitory weaponries race.

The states in Europe were constructing up their military as a nation’s power rested on its military strength. The German ground forces was a powerful force but Germany wanted to increase its strength by geting settlements. Britain’s huge ground forces protected the British Isles and secured the trade paths within the imperium. Germany’s jealously of Britain’s strong ground forces and naval fleet resulted in the weaponries race. By the terminal of 1914. Germany had built 17 Dreadnoughts and Britain had built 29 Dreadnoughts. The two challengers were viing for the rubric of the “Master of the Sea” . The competition placed a strain on relationships between states and earnestly depleted the wealth of states. doing war even more likely. The new engineerings such as the dreadnaught and toxicant gas that were developing in the 1900s were doing a war more deathlike and expensive.

Russia was developing its ground forces to assist it derive a strong voice in the affairs in Europe and reconstructing its lost honor by building a mighty contending force to step in in the struggles lifting in the Balkans. France was fixing for the possible result of war by increasing the size of its ground forces. As a consequence. all the states in Europe were expecting a war to decide the struggles stirring about each country’s domination and the cost of war was a great disbursal for the states. Germany was really ready to travel to war because it wanted a war. Its economic system would have a good encouragement from the addition in the ammos industry if Germany went to war. The flicker that set off the war was little nevertheless ; Wilhelm was hankering for any ground to get down a war. If Germany wanted a war so war was an ineluctable state of affairs because the Germans were seeking to happen any struggle to get down a war. Furthermore. imperialism was going a really popular pattern in Europe.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. industrialisation in Europe required states to rule other foreign markets therefore set uping another ground for fight within states. All the European powers except Austria-Hungary and Russia had settlements in Africa and accordingly. there were many clangs between states like France. Britain. Germany and Italy. For illustration. the Gallic Empire lost its settlement in Canada to the British Empire in the Seven Years War. Colonial competition among the European powers made the First World War expected due to the bitterly strained relationships between the states. Germany was looking to get more settlements due to its demand to beef up its economic system but there were few topographic points left to set up settlements. Germany and Britain’s aggressive conflict for settlements intensified the weaponries race.

The conflict for settlements caused the European states to go more competitory and make the terminal finding of fact of war. Colonial competitions led indirectly to the formation and strengthening of confederations and ententes such as when Germany was trying to occupy Britain’s and France’s settlements in Africa. Britain and France’s confederation would hold strengthened against Germany. The hostile behavior created by the competition to put up settlements gave more grounds for states to get down to war to decide past struggles. Most significantly. World War 1 was fought on the footing of a full World War because of the settlements of each European state that involved largely all the states. Imperialism was decidedly a cardinal subscriber to guaranting the inevitableness of the First World War.

World War 1 was the decision of many jobs that escalated to the concluding phase of war when Gavrillo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand. The force per unit areas from the jobs were doing a rise in international tensenesss that finally reached the extremum with the First World War. First. the industrialisation happening in European states at the beginning of the twentieth century was a cause to the chauvinistic attitude among the citizens in each state that reached the conclusive consequence of war to settle the conflict for domination among the states.

Alliances contributed to spliting Europe into 2 sides. rising the war tenseness and bad leaders pushed Europe to get down the First World War. The weaponries race created further rifts between the European states but more significantly. Germany wanted a war to turn out its military laterality. Last. the colonial competitions increased tensenesss between states. doing the opportunities of World War 1 more inevitable. In decision. World War 1 was a predictable war. Is World War 3 traveling to be inevitable excessively?


Bolotta. A. . Hawkes. C. . Jarman. F. . Keirstead. M. . and Watt. J. Canada Face of Nation. Toronto: Gage Educational. 2000.

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