Who is the better Epic Hero: Sundiata v. Gilgamesh Essay

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Sundiata which patterns the Malian civilization is symbolic of a perfect heroic poem hero because being generous and extremely favored. protecting your affinity. being loved by all and gaining your luck is extremely respected. However. in the Mesopotamian civilization the extremely respected personality traits of the Malian’s were non of import because their heroic poem hero Gilgamesh did non treat any of these traits. Sundiata is the better heroic poem hero since he embodies more heroic hero qualities than Gilgamesh. Sundiata’s best trait is his generousness shown when he allows the nine old enchantresss to travel unpunished one time he caught them stealing from his mother’s garden “There he found the nine enchantresss stealing gnougou leaves” ( Niane 25 ) . Most heros would hold punished the enchantresss for stealing. but Sundiata’s generousness allowed him to overlook their ruins and offer them excess foliages “He filled the calabashs of the old beldam with foliages. eggplants and onions. ’Each clip that you run short of condiments come to stock up here without fear” ( Niane 25 ) .

This is model of Sundiata’s sort and forgiving bosom. In contrast Gilgamesh is non generous at all and is really malevolent towards his people of Uruk who are in changeless fright of being sexually violated and employed into pointless wars and conflicts. “Gilgamesh sounds the alarm bell for his amusement ; no boy is left with his male parent. for Gilgamesh leaves no virgin to her lover. neither the warrior’s girl nor the married woman of the noble” ( Sandars 62 ) . Gilgamesh continually shows no compunction for his constituent’s feelings and used his power to torture his people ; while Sundiata on the contrast used his power to give back to his people and aid and protect them in every possible manner.

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Sundiata was extremely favored in all the towns he visited while on expatriate. When he went on his first run all the soldiers talked about was Sundiata “they spoke about nil but him in the camp” ( Niane 37 ) . The people favored Sundiata non merely because he was strong and a good combatant but he was besides smart which intrigued people “Men were even more surprised by the clarity of his mind” ( Niane 37 ) . The male monarch liked Sundiata so much that he made him king in his absences “After three old ages the male monarch appointed Sundiata his Viceroy. and in the male monarchs absence it was he who governed” ( Niane 37 ) . Gilgamesh was favored by none of the citizens in his Kingdom.

Everyone hated him and when he went on his long pursuit to the Cedar Forest. they rejoiced at his absences. Sundiata was besides favored by the childs he hung out with “Sundiata’s popularity was so great [ … ] . Fran Kamara Manding Bory and Kamandjan were the cupboard friends of the immature princes” ( Niane 23-24 ) . Gilgamesh had merely one friend Enkidu and that was because the people prayed to the Gods to direct him. If the people had non done this Gilgamesh would hold had no friends because cipher cherished him.

Sundiata was really protective of his affinity and friends. One illustration of Sundiata’s protectiveness was demonstrated when he went in expatriate to protect his household from the evil wrath of Sassouma. “It was to salvage his brother that Djata accepted exile” ( Niane 27 ) . Once Sundiata realized that his siblings were in possible danger of Sassouma wrath. Sundiata made a witting determination to take his household from Mali. In comparing. Gilgamesh merely has one friend Enkidu. who Gilgamesh looks upon as a friend and a retainer. “Gilgamesh said to his servant Enkidu” ( Sandars 70 ) . Sundiata would hold ne’er referred to Manding Bory as his retainer. but as his best friend that he couldn’t unrecorded without. “Manding Bory and Sundiata were existent friends ( Niane 27 ) .

Sundiata was loved by everyone he came in contact with “Everyone bowed before him and he was greatly loved” ( Niane 37 ) . While on expatriate Sundiata came in contact with a batch of people from different civilizations. everyone praised him because he was an Intelligent. and kindhearted individual. Sundiata’s averment of himself over his components in a austere. but soft mode drove the people to love and esteem him “The people love all who assert themselves over them” ( Niane 37 ) .

The citizens of Uruk desired to be governed by a wise and merely ruler like Sundiata. alternatively they were governed by a selfish and evil male monarch. Gilgamesh used his reverent strength to command his citizens into making anything he wanted them to “he met with none who could defy his arms” ( Sandars 62 ) . The people of Uruk disliked Gilgamesh so much that they prayed to the Gods to make a comrade for him ( Sandars 62 ) . The gratitude Sundiata showed towards his citizens helped him gain their regard. Gilgamesh was non respected by his citizens and in bend they wanted a new male monarch.

Another thing that sets Sundiata apart from Gilgamesh is. Sundiata was non given his land he had to gain it. Sundiata had a hard kid goon because most of it was spent creep and on expatriate. Sundiata overcame this by turning into a stronge adult male and get the better ofing the evil male monarch that was halting him from governing Mali. By Sundiata holding to gain his land it made him appreciate being male monarch because he had to travel through so many tests and trials “If he has a land one twenty-four hours everything will obey him because he knows how to command” ( Niane 37 ) .

Gilgamesh on the other manus did non hold to travel through any tests to gain his land. The Gods merely made him king. Since Gilgamesh did non hold to gain his luck. he didn’t appreciate it every bit much as Sundiata. If Gilgamesh had to work for his Kingdom he would hold appreciated it more and treated his citizens with more regard.

The above paragraphs province why Sundiata is a better Epic hero than Gilgamesh. Sundiata embodies all of the heroic poem hero qualities. His finest qualities are his generousness and being extremely favored by others. protecting his affinity. being loved by all and gaining his luck. In. contrast Gilgamesh does non incarnate any of these qualities and does non excel Sundiata as an heroic poem hero.

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