AIDS Essay Research Paper AIDS Acquired Immune

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Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV and Aids affect more than approximately 30 million people worldwide. Race, sex and age have nil to make with who can acquire this disease, nevertheless, the race with the highest figure of septic people happens to be Caucasic males ages 25-44. About 45 per centum of the 641,000 AIDS instances in the U.S. have been white people. Blacks aren & # 8217 ; T far behind with over 35 per centum of instances, and Hispanics have about 20 per centum of all instances. Asians have less than anyone does, with 1 per centum. Of the estimated 30.6 million people world-wide populating with this atrocious, dangerous disease in 1997, approximately 68 per centum were populating in sub-Saharan Africa. 22 per centum of all instances were in Southern and Eastern Asia and the Pacific, 4 per centum in Latin America, 5 Percentage in North America and the Caribbean, and 2 per centum in Europe and Central Asia. In 1994 and 1995 AIDS was the taking cause of decease among Americans ages 25-44 old ages old. It was besides the taking cause of decease for work forces in the same age group and the 3rd prima cause of decease in adult females 25-44. Adult males are the taking sex to contract AIDS. They account for over 80 per centum of all instances in the U.S. Adult adult females make up 15 per centum and kids make up the other 1- per centum of the instances. ( Encarta 99 ) Peoples have been lead to believe so many fictional narratives about the tungsten

ays of undertaking AIDS and HIV ; it’s difficult to cognize what to believe. The truth is, the chief manner of acquiring this disease is unprotected sex. Although rubbers do work most of the clip, they are non 100 % effectual. Abstinence is the lone unfailing manner of non being infected with this disease or one of the 1000s of others. Besides sexual contact with a individual transporting the AIDS virus or HIV, you can besides be infected in many different ways. For illustration, although no 1 has really contracts AIDS from contact with these things, HIV has been found in perspiration, spit and cryings. Peoples who are diffident about the AIDS position of their spouse should really be weary of snoging them. There has non yet been a instance attributed to snog, nevertheless, there is still a possible for contraction. For for a while now there have been rumours of transmittal by insects that suck blood and bite worlds. Surveies have shown no grounds of this, but the rumours are still claiming it could go on. Scientists and research workers have preformed experiments after experiments because of the overpowering concern. They all have proved there is no cause to fear insects such as mosquitoes, because in HIV bearers don’t have changeless high degrees of HIV in their blood stream. Another ground is that an insect oral cavity parts don’t keep big adequate sums of blood to convey the disease.


Encarta 1999

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