Animal Farm: the Story of Animals Were Overworked, Tied and Starved Essay

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The attitude you have towards work can be greatly influenced by how the individual in charge tallies things. This statement is true in George Orwell’s allegorical novelette “Animal Farm. ” The attitudes of the animate beings of Manor Farm ( subsequently changed to Animal Farm ) alteration depending on who is in charge of it. Under Mr. Jones’ regulation. the animate beings were overworked. tired and starved. and they did work merely to avoid being beaten. Under the reign of Snowball and Napoleon. the animate beings were tired but they were good fed and happy to make work. This is because the work they did benefited themselves. instead than worlds who gave nil back to them. Finally. under Napoleon’s domination. the animate beings liked work less and less because they were tired. overworked and ill-fed. . So. as you can see. the individual who is in control of carnal farm affects the manner the animate beings feel about work.

Mr. Jones was the barbarous proprietor of Manor Farm. subsequently changed to Animal Farm. While he was in control he starved. overworked and crush the animate beings to acquire them to work harder so he could gain a greater net income. ( QUOTE ) The animate beings feel angered due to the fact that Mr. Jones makes them work so difficult for his ain addition and so gives nil back to them. The animate beings end up revolting against him. running him off the farm and claiming it for themselves. So. since Mr. Jones was such a bad swayer. the animate beings had a negative attitude towards him and the work he made them make.

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After the passing of Old Major. Napoleon and Snowball gained control of Animal Farm. once known as Manor Farm. Snowball had a persuasive voice. was really intelligent and was an overall good leader. Napoleon. on the otherhand. was non a great public talker. was non every bit intelligent as Snowball. nor was he every bit good a leader. Under their govern. they ran the farm swimmingly. All animate beings were to the full fed and the work the animate beings put into the farm. they got back. ( QUOTE ) By being able to profit themselves instead than a avaricious homo. the animate beings were glad to acquire down to work. So. since the animate beings in control ran the farm swimmingly. the on the job animate beings were happy to make their work. merely every bit long as it benefited themselves.

Napoleon was a cruel. selfish and manipulative hog. He was the exclusive swayer of Animal Farm after he had gotten Snowball run off the farm. At first. Napoleon lead the animate beings into believing that the work they did was to gain themselves. Alternatively. the lone 1s who were profiting were the hogs. ( QUOTE ) It was non until subsequently that they realized that they were overworked. starved and tired. None of what they put into their work. did they acquire back. Napoleon. along with taking more than his portion. besides had his Canis familiariss slaughter any individual who could turn into a possible opposition. Last. Napoleon was a bad leader because he broke all the seven commandments and so tried to cover it up by holding Squealer change them. So. as you can see. due to the fact that Napoleon was such a cruel and selfish leader. the worker’s attitude’s towards work was negative.

Depending on who was in govern. the animal’s attitude towards work altered. If person cruel was in control. such as Mr. Jones or Napolen. the animate beings would hold a negative attitude because they were being overworked. starved. and nil benefited them. On the otherhand. if person Nice and intellingent was in power. such as Snowball. the animate beings were happy to travel to work due to the fact that they were acquiring back what they put into it. So as you can see. depending on who is in control will greatly act upon the manner workers feel towards their occupations.

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