Book Review Essay Research Paper Animal Farmby

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Animal Farm

by: George Orwell

Book Review by George Lacy

Mrs. Spain Fall 96

Character Analysis of Napoleon

& # 8220 ; Napoleon was a big instead ferocious looking Berkshire Sus scrofa, & # 8221 ; that was spoiled and ever got his manner. He was the lone hog of the sort on the farm. Napoleon was a great challenger to Snowball. Snowball was really vocal while Napoleon was really close and did non speak much. Napoleon and Snowball prepare for the Rebellion in a really similar mode, and have many ends likewise. Old Major s vision was of import to both Napoleon and Snowball and develop his thoughts into a program. The society was to be set-up after the Rebellion. Napoleon s program benefits himself while Snowball s are profiting to all the animate beings.

After the Rebellion Napoleon takes charge of the milk and the apples, at this clip the program that benefits him is put into action. Bonaparte does non take portion in the activities for the animate beings. As portion of Napoleon s program he disagrees with Snowball on most of the issues. Napoleon is a close schemer that works behind the scenes and someday programs to extinguish Snowball as a rival. For illustration he in secret trained the guard Canis familiariss in secret, maintaining them wholly hidden from position. Bonaparte was besides really good at developing support for his thoughts, after meetings he would speak to the other animate beings one on one and & # 8220 ; psychologically brainwash & # 8221 ; them. He is really kiniving

in his ways to acquire more power and is ever seeking to discredit and sabotage the other animate beings. One clip he urinated on Snowball s programs for the windmill.

Napoleon s sense of timing is acute and this is really utile is his pursuit for more power. At merely the right clip he implies that Snowball s instructions are non good to the other animate beings. Then the clip comes when Napoleon has to transport out the remainder of his program, acquiring rid of Snowball. But by the clip the animate beings realize what is traveling on Napoleon has taken control and is ready for any expostulations. Napoleon finally additions entire power and symbolizes a despotic swayer. In this book Napoleon represents & # 8220 ; Stalin and his opposite number in the Russian Revolution. Napoleon ever has to hold the best green goods, best quarters, whisky, and vesture. He distracts the other animate beings from the fact that he is modifying the original Animal Farm visions. He ruthlessly kills anyone who protests his actions. He keeps the animate beings working long hours at huge undertakings like constructing the windmill and a new school. Napoleon keeps the animate beings busy for one ground, so they don t think about what is go oning to them and their lives. He besides had the animate beings give him recognition for every good thing that happens to them. Then Napoleon decides he needs a whipping boy and of class he chooses Snowball. Napoleon character does non alter throughout the novel, he is avaricious and ever gets his manner. And he besides wants more and more because he has a ne’er stoping greed

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