Characterisation Essay

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Chief character: The character that plays the biggest function in the secret plan of the narrative. Major character: Fictional characters that play a large function in the narrative. Minor character: Fictional characters that play a minor function in the narrative.

Round characters: Round characters are like existent people. They have complex. multi-dimensional personalities. They are capable of turning and altering. They are frequently. but non ever. major characters.

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Flat characters: They have unidimensional personalities. They represent or portray one peculiar feature. They are a type. e. g. the covetous lover. the sap or the grumpy. old adult male. They are frequently. but non ever. minor characters.

Dynamic characters: They change as a consequence of their experiences.

Inactive characters: They do non larn from their experiences. and. therefore. stay unchanged.

How does the writer convey character? 1. Relation: The storyteller tells how the character is. feels. thinks. etc. 2. Screening: The character reveals his or her personality through what the character says and does. 3. Setting: The writer might utilize the scene ( clip and topographic point ) to state something about the character. e. g. about the character’s emotions or feelings. 4. Comparison to other characters: It might be utile to analyze how the character relate to the other characters in the narrative. e. g. if there are characters that are in resistance to. or different from. the character in inquiry. 5. Appearance: The character’s apparels. expressions and general visual aspect can frequently state us something about the character’s personality.

Questions to inquire when analyzing characters: 1. Is the character a chief. major or minor character? 2. Is it a unit of ammunition or a level character? 3. Is it a dynamic or a inactive character? 4. Does the writer uncover the character through screening or relation. or both? 5. What does the manner the character speaks reveal about his character? 6. What does his behavior reveal about his character? 7. Is she similar or different from other characters in the narrative? How does she associate to the other characters? 8. Have the scene shaped the character’s personality? 9. Does the scene reflect the character’s temper or emotional province?

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