Migration in EU Member States Essay

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To give a wide overview about the state of affairs of immigrants in Europe facts. figures and Problems are laid down. Then the EU in-migration policy is explained Afterwards national fortunes and entryway states are described. To give concrete examples how national integrating policies are executed the migration policies of France. the Netherlands. Germany and Italy are described in deepness. By taking these four Europium establishing states as an illustration. differentiations in nearing migration. integrating and anti-discrimination are revealed.

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After supplying EU in-migration policy cognition and consciousness of national in-migration fortunes. the co-relation between national attacks and the EU policy is analyzed and eventually interpreted. Finally decision and elaborate betterment proposal are given.

Immigrants in Europe

Immigration is a sensitive issue in EU. where the European Commission estimations there are up to 8 million illegal migrators. More than 200. 000 illegal migrators were arrested in the EU in the first half of 2007. fewer than 90. 000 were expelled. In its 2005 Action Programme on in-migration. the European Commission stresses that 54 % of first-generation immigrants with university grades born in the Middle East and North Africa live in Canada or the United States. whilst 87 % of those who have non completed their primary instruction or have non gone beyond primary or secondary school are in Europe

European migration and integrating policy

Since subscribing the Maastricht pact in 1992. the EU member provinces are working on a common migration policy. Issues such as anti-discrimination. refuge. in-migration. and integrating are discussed. Migration issues fall under intergovernmental jurisprudence. so a province remains its sovereignty in implementing the EU migration policy. The first international integrating attempt surely was: •UN Convention associating the position of refugees

After the second World War the United Nations called in 1951 for a convention associating the position and the protection of refugees. They defined the rights of refugees and the duty of the state that granted refuge. The convention was approved in Geneva. but doesn’t belong to the “Geneva Conventions” . and came into force in 1954. Because new refugee fortunes arose and due to the fact that the convention included geographical and impermanent restrictions. and was merely applicable to refugees before 1951. an expansion of the convention’s range was agreed in 1967.

In the 1967 protocol all impermanent and geographical restrictions war banned. 140 Countries have signed the convention and/or its protocol ( see Map in Appenix1 ) . By subscribing the convention a state is obligated to: •Ensure refugees intervention in conformity with international recognized criterions of jurisprudence •Ensure that refugees are granted refuge and are non forced to travel back to their place states •Promote appropriated processs whether a refugee is a refugee or non •Seeking lasting solutions to the phenomenon of refugees

Particularly the last point agencies to me ineluctably a proper and just integrating. To keep human rights and to better the rating of the national state of affairss. the European Commission set up a web of experts on cardinal rights. These experts are assigned to outline an one-year study on the conditions sing the cardinal rights of each member province and to carry on thematic observations on specific issues chosen by the European Commission.

With the ultimate end to develop a common in-migration and refuge policy the EU set out incrementally a figure of directives mentioning to racism. xenophobia. refuge. in-migration and integrating.

Racism and xenophobia

The European Community adopted within the Amsterdam Treaty following steps in the battle of racism and anti-discrimination.
•Directive 2000/43/EC on racial equality ;
•Directive 2000/78/EC on equal intervention in employment ;
•Community Action Programme to battle favoritism ( 2001-2006 ) ;
•Communication on in-migration. integrating and employment.

Asylum and in-migration

The Seville European Council in June 2002 set deadlines for making understanding on a figure of legislative instruments. In June 2003. the Thessaloniki European Council adopted decisions on integrating policies for just intervention of 3rd state subjects. Two Directives were adopted in 2003. one on the right to household reunion and the other on long-run abode position for third-country subjects. Additionally societal organisations are monitored and co-financed. Some illustrations are the Centre on Racism and Xenophobia ( EUMC ) who organizes a series of circular tabular arraies on antisemitism and Islam phobic disorder or the AGIS plan ( 2003-2007 ) which co fundss actions on constabulary and judicial cooperation in condemnable affairs. In order to ease closer cooperation with 3rd states of beginning and theodolite. on 3 December 2002 the Commission adopted the communicating COM ( 2002 ) 703 on incorporating migration issues into the Union’s dealingss with 3rd states.

For its portion. the Council adopted Directive 2003/9/EC puting down minimal criterions for the response of refuge searchers in the Member States and Regulation No 343/2003 set uping the standards and mechanisms for finding the Member State responsible for analyzing an refuge application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national ( Dublin II ) . In the context of pull offing migration flows. the Commission repeatedly stressed the cross-cutting nature of the steps adopted. most late in its communicating of 3 June 2003 on the development of a common policy on illegal migration. smuggling and trafficking in human existences. external boundary lines and the return of illegal migrators.

Protection of minorities

In 2002 Europe was confronted by anti-semitic incidents. The EU strongly condemned those incidents and set about a series of steps to undertake the causes. The studies of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights besides raised issues related to the state of affairs of societal exclusion of Roma in the EU country and the acceding states. In this context. the PHARE programme has funded undertakings that aim to better the state of affairs of Roma.

hypertext transfer protocol: //europa. eu/legislation_summaries/human_rights/fundamental_rights_within_european_union/r10114_en. htm hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ambafrance-uk. org/Immigration-Immigration-and. html hypertext transfer protocol: //dalje. com/en-world/france-drops-integration-contract-from-eu-plan/160362 hypertext transfer protocol: //www. integrationindex. eu/integrationindex/2383. hypertext markup language

Harmonizing to the European Commission. more migration is needed to countervail the EU’s ripening job. But the sentiments of the member provinces are different. so it is really difficult to hold on a common policy of economic migration. Under the Gallic proposals. EU leaders would plight to beef up the battle against illegal migration and throw out more illegal migrators. every bit good as confirm old EU committednesss such as a common refuge policy by 2010 and biometric visas. EU provinces have already beefed up cooperation against illegal migration. making a boundary line bureau and holding this twelvemonth that illegal migrators could be locked up for up to 18 months. They have besides agreed biometric visas for aliens. adding to the biometric fingerprinting of refuge searchers.

hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Convention_Relating_to_the_Status_of_Refugees http: //www2. ohchr. org/english/law/pdf/protocolrefugees. pdf
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. unhcr. org/3bbdb0954. hypertext markup language

Europe-wide-migration treaty

hypertext transfer protocol: //www. migrationinformation. org/Feature/display. cfm? ID=768 hypertext transfer protocol: //dalje. com/en-world/france-drops-integration-contract-from-eu-plan/160362

interministerial Immigration Control Committee

Situation in France
Immigration history

Since the industrial revolution and particularly after the second World War France draws on guest workers manus in order to function the high demand of work. From so on France can look back on a changeless addition of immigrants. In the beginning of the twentieth century it is estimated that in France about 1 Mio. Immigrants were populating. The latest population nose count in 2008 revealed that at the minute 5 Mio. Immigrants are populating in France. At the terminal of twentieth century the demand of work decreased dramatically and governmental inhibitory actions forced many immigrants to re-emigrate.

During the economic and oil crises in 1932 first quote opinions for certain subdivisions were made. After the second World War in 1945 the principal of precedency of Gallic by equal making was introduced. In 1974 an in-migration halt of loan workers followed. Merely due to the cardinal right of household immigrants who already have household in France were enabled to immigrate.

Migration Policy

The Gallic migration policy addresses chiefly integrating. in-migration policy and Anti-discrimination.


France pursued an “integrationist” policy from the mid-1980s onward. giving authorities resources to organisations that encouraged immigrants to stay by the jurisprudence but retain their typical civilizations and traditions.


In order to full-fill the state’s duty of lasting integrating. the Gallic authorities set up an integrating contract between the Gallic authorities and immigrants. Content of the contract is determined by immigrants in cooperation with the province. The authorities has decided to necessitate the estimated 100. 000 legal immigrants geting in France each twelvemonth to subscribe an “integration contract” upon reaching if they wish to obtain a abode card. By subscribing the contract. immigrants agree to undergo linguistic communication preparation and direction on the “values of Gallic society. ” The certification awarded upon successful completion of these categories entitles the immigrant to a 10-year abode license. If the immigrant fails to gain the certification. he or she will have merely a annual abode license. “France is a republic with regulations that are the foundation of our national community. ” said Social Affairs Minister Francois Fillon.


The new HALDE equality organic structure was launched in June 2005. with a budget of 10. 5 million euros and a staff of 66 for 2006. HALDE provides services such as legal advice. alternate difference declaration and independent probes to victims of favoritism. HALDE can besides convey instances in its ain name on 19 types of favoritism. including race/ethnicity. religion/belief and nationality. The new Torahs besides punish nationality and racial/ethnic favoritism in instruction. societal protection. societal security and entree to goods and services like health care and lodging. See Latraverse. Report on Measures to Combat Discrimination: Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC Country Report/Update 2006. State of personal businesss until 8 January 2007

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