Migration Towards The Brave New World Essay

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Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England, human society has had to fight to accommodate to new engineering. There is a displacement from traditional society to a modern 1. Within the last 10 old ages we have seen enormous progresss in scientific discipline and engineering, and we are going more and more socially dependent on it. In the Brave New World, Huxley states that we are traveling in the way of Utopia much more quickly than anyone had of all time anticipated. Its end is accomplishing felicity by giving up scientific discipline, art, faith and other things we cherish in our universe. It is an inhumane society controlled by engineering where human existences are produced on assembly line. His prophetic elements of human existences being conditioned, the concerns for the environment, importance of familial technology and reproduction, and our physical and mental development has now been one of the major factors that the authoritiess, concerns and educational establishments are working today. We are subconsciously traveling to this bureaucratism of conformance, and Brave New World is a aftermath up call from our compulsions of standardisation socially, economically and politically.

The narrative took topographic point in A.F ( After Ford ) 632, this is 632years after Ford has released the first T-ford. Huxley used & # 8220 ; After Ford & # 8221 ; to demo its great promotion in doing cars as a company over the old ages. In 1932, Huxley introduced Brave New World to demo his great concern of the Western civilisation. He saw that in the 1900s there was a dramatic economic alteration in different states, where the jobbers are being eliminated, and makers selling straight to the consumers. For illustration, at that clip Ford makes autos and even sells them. They control who and where they sell. Technology and transit was increasing enormously, which caused more and bigger mills, mass-productions ( eg. cars ) , and more manufactured goods. There were more volumes of trade and production due to more machinery. As markets are turning, activities, constructions, every bit good as attitudes towards companies are altering. Robert Heibroner suggests that & # 8220 ; the rise of such elephantine endeavors has changed the face of capitalist economy as they attempt to change the market puting through a system of public and private planning ( p.43 ) . & # 8221 ; Like the picture Turbulence, companies sees exportation as a good thing and importing as a disadvantage. It is a & # 8220 ; Faceless Structure & # 8221 ; , the company didn & # 8217 ; t see the workers in Thailand as human, they saw them as automatons where there are no human rights. There was atrocious working and living conditions and immense societal jobs. Capitalism has caused a wider wealth spread since the rich get richer and the hapless gets poorer. Peoples moved from rural to urban countries and persons are exploited, each molded with the same mask. We grew more and more dependent on engineering, as it seems to do things more efficient. Huxley sees people are losing more and more of their individualism as they are executing assembly line undertakings where regulations and ordinances are standardized. He saw the menace to adult male & # 8217 ; s independency and freedom and writes this book as a warning. He said, & # 8220 ; Science and engineering should be retainers of man-man should non be adapted and enslaved to them. & # 8221 ;

In Brave New World, the slogan is Community, Identity, and Stability. It believes it is in the Utopia province, which means & # 8220 ; no topographic point & # 8221 ; in Greek. The World State would merely digest a individual political political orientation. This system of bureaucratism constructs the community as a whole, where a individual is prevented from purdah. The individualities of the persons are invented already before the unreal reproduction, where they are computed to conform. Those who are apathetic and do non follow the regulations and ordinances are regarded as castawaies. Most of import of all, this society emphasizes on stableness. In order to forestall struggle, hazard and alteration, genetically indistinguishable & # 8220 ; persons & # 8221 ; are produced. It sees that conformance is the key to maintaining the society in peace- free from war, love, and hatred.

The authorities in the Brave New World gives orders to Hatchery and Conditioning Centre to bring forth a certain figure for persons with a preset set of abilities, features and beliefs. The manager states that, & # 8220 ; All conditioning purposes at that: devising people like their ineluctable societal destiny. & # 8221 ; There is no true freedom in this society but the environment blinds the persons. There & # 8217 ; s besides no true felicity since they have no emotions, and are dependent on a drug called haoma ( like LSD in our universe ) . All of this may sound rather familiar. So are we truly populating in a universe different from them? If you look at the flower peoples, they are rather similar to the people in Brave New World. They excessively, used drugs to derive happines

s and considered themselves as a group more than single. They longed for peace, love and integrity. We may hold more human rights and Torahs, that gives us freedom of address and faith, but a batch of times we are sheltered by the truth. Journalism is a all right illustration of this. It informs and notifies events that takes topographic point in our society, but propaganda still exists in some states today. The Utopia universe abolishes people’s cognition of History to forestall from people desiring to alter the present. It is similar to the large calamity in 1964 in China eliminated the outside world’s cognition of the large protest in China by university pupils at Tiananmen Square, where they were slaughtered by the armed forces. The authorities tried to change the truth to forestall the history from go oning once more. The thought of Social Activism in both universes are hostile as it is a mark of people doing problem as they want to stand up for their rights and alteration things. In our society, each and every one of us are seeking to be different and wanted to be treated as an alone person. I think we are non much better than the society of Brave New World. The Capitalist society we are populating in are dominated by 1s who have money. Working in assembly lines and making the same humdrum work over and over once more has taken away our individualism. This bureaucratism has no room for exclusions and individualism, every bit good as non-accountability. This competition between concerns to derive net income and for ain self-interest leads to inequality, immorality of hierarchy, development, and disaffection. It gave engineering a great encouragement and as Smith said “dismantle the province bureaucratism and go forthing economic determinations to free drama of self modulating market forces.”

We are conditioned in ways that don & # 8217 ; t truly notice, merely like the persons in the Brave New World. For illustration, advertisement is to inform consumers so they can purchase the goods. We are manipulated by the images and many false advertisement is introduced in order to increase gross revenues. We do non hold perfect information. Old ages ago, advertizers used subliminal messages to entice consumers to purchase their goods. These concealed messages like, & # 8220 ; purchase popcorn & # 8221 ; on theaters screen while a film is playing and in response people will hold the impulse to travel buy the Zea mays everta. This psychological technique is similar to hypnopaedia, a kiping conditioning for persons in the Brave New World. The World State workss suggestion that will do them act in a certain manner. Like our universe, adult male & # 8217 ; s main importance is his ability to bring forth and devour manufactured good. This psychological use takes topographic point among our universe to profit stockholders and concerns and much of the morality is lost in the manner work is done.

This fresh contributes to Huxley & # 8217 ; s look of his beliefs and concerns for our fast turning society in engineering and scientific discipline. Year by twelvemonth we see more and more of Huxley & # 8217 ; s fantasy going world. He sense the danger of our Capitalist society, which is dependent on engineering and going a dehumanizing force. He portrays the society negatively with people who depend on drugs that evoke pleasance, produce worlds in mills, and conditioning that replaces households. Our history shows the development of the concern procedure and the alteration in attitudes towards the society. It is bureaucratism where the citizens of Utopia are to conform to regulations and ordinances and hostile to alter. We must inquire ourselves, do we hold every bit much freedom as we think we make? Be we much better off than we are before ( in footings of wealth, felicity, etc ) ? Are we excessively reliant on engineering and scientific discipline? Where is our individualism? Where is the trade-off? How can we alter to halt ourselves from traveling toward the alleged & # 8220 ; Utopia & # 8221 ; society? It seems that we excessively, are populating in an brooder, trapped and conditioned, and we must make something to halt this from go oning.


Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: HarperPerennial, 1946.

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.primenet.com/~matthew/huxley/sub/Barron_BNW.html

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hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ddc.net/ygg/etext/brave.htm

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