Saxonville Sausage Company

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Problem: How can I, Ann Banks, product marketing director at Saxonville Sausage Company, suggest a suitable position for the Italian brand sausage Vivio? Options: I can choose from one these four concepts developed: a)“Family Connection” concept b)“Love” concept c)“Balance” concept d)“Creative/Clever cooking” concept Decision: Saxonville Sausage Company should use the “Creative Cooking” concept Reason:

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From the data on Italian Sausage Concept Assesment, it can be seen that both “Family Connection” and “Creative Cooking” concepts were ranked high but the respondents’ familiarity with “authentic Italian heritage” may have biased their opinion toward” Family Connection. ” The “Family Connection” position would not allow Vivio to differentiate itself from other brands and would take away from the other brands in Saxonville Sausage Company. “Creative Cooking” is easier to communicate than the “Family Connection” position.

In the purchase intent study almost twice as many respondents said they definitely would buy the product based on the Creative Cooking position than the Family Connection position. This is a consumer class product which is homogeneous, and hence substitutes based on price are easily available. To avoid a price war, this sausage must be differentiated from the competition and “Creative Cooking” would help do that. Pros and Cons of decision taken: ProsCons

Higher no of respondents would buy the productRanked 2nd by most correspondents Easier to communicateRisk of losing customers from “Family Connection” position Allow Saxonville to differentiate from other brands Plan to take care of cons: As more respondents have said they would definitely buy based on “Creative Cooking” than “Family Connection”, it would be easier to sell based on “Creative Cooking” concept. Also, the risk of losing customer from “Family Connection” can be mitigated by using the line “…you spend doing for your family…” with particular emphasis on family could also appeal to the “Family connection” customers.

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