The Gaia Hypothesis Essay Research Paper The

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The Gaia Hypothesis

The Gaia Hypothesis is a hypothesis that was developed by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the late 1970 & # 8217 ; s. James Lovelock is a British scientist, an atmospheric chemist, and besides an discoverer with an instruction in human physiology. Lynn Margulis was a microbiologist during the 1970 & # 8217 ; s at Boston University. She besides originated the theory of the eucaryotic cell originating as a consequence of endosymbiotic cell gaining control. This theory is the 1 that gave her the credibleness to progress the Gaia Hypothesis.

Since every hypothesis takes the signifier of an if/then statement, the Gaia Hypothesis viz. is an if/then statement. Summarized the Gaia Hypothesis is & # 8220 ; If life regulates the physical and chemical environment of the planet so as to keep suited planetal conditions for the good of life itself, so the planet can be thought of as a individual integrated, populating entity with self-acting abilities. & # 8221 ; ( University, p.2 ) . The hypothesis interweaves assorted accounts of the Earth & # 8217 ; s maps as they relate to assorted philosophical ratings and scientific principle.

The hypothesis can be defined through metaphors, spiritual beliefs, and scientific principle. The most common metaphor is & # 8220 ; The Earth is a individual life entity. & # 8221 ; ( Oceans, p. 1 ) . Lovelock recognizes that this metaphor is a convenient manner to form and explicate the facts of the Earth. Plato, a celebrated philosopher, rationalizes this metaphor by stating & # 8221 ; & # 8216 ; We shall confirm that the universe, more than anything else, resembles most closely that populating animal of which all other life animals, independently or genetically, are part ; a life animal which is fairest of all and in ways most perfect. & # 8217 ; & # 8221 ; ( Charlton, p.3 ) . There are many metaphors that relate to this metaphor. Specifically, one metaphor is that alternatively of the Earth moving as an full being it acts as a individual cell. This specific metaphor was originated by Lewis Thomas, a medical physician. ( Oceans, p.2 ) . James W. Kirchner, a scientist, believes that this hypothesis can be compared to the authorship of Shakespeare. Shakespeare stated that, & # 8221 ; All the universe & # 8217 ; s a phase, & # 8221 ; and the Gaia Hypothesis states that, & # 8220 ; All the universe is a life organism. & # 8221 ; ( Oceans, p.2 ) . Kirchner believes that metaphors inspire fruitful guess, but that metaphors themselves are untestable.

Lovelock has a separate metaphor for Gaia. Lovelock states that he sees Gaia as being like a tree. & # 8216 ; A tree that softly exists, ne’er traveling except to rock in the air current, yet infinitely discoursing with the sunshine and the dirt. Using sunlight and H2O and alimentary minerals to turn and change. & # 8217 ; ( Charlton, p.2 ) . Another metaphor for Gaia is that it has been seen to be like a California Redwood. The redwood & # 8217 ; s tissue is 97 % dead. The bole has a thin bed of life beings spread across its surface, and this is similar to the Earth & # 8217 ; s lithosphere. The bark is seen to be like the Earth & # 8217 ; s atmosphere. The ambiance is the protective coating on the Earth. The atmosphere protects the Earth like the bark protects the tree. The bark, like the ambiance, allows the transportation of of import gasses, such as O and C dioxide. & # 8220 ; While much of the Earth may be considered & # 8216 ; inanimate, & # 8217 ; the fact that all of these & # 8216 ; inanimate & # 8217 ; parts are involved to some extent in life procedures, suggests that the whole Earth is alive, merely like a redwood tree. & # 8221 ; ( Charlton, p.3 ) .

Another common metaphor is to compare the Earth to the homo. The oceans and rivers would be like the Earth & # 8217 ; s blood. Human blood carries vitamins, minerals, and life as do the oceans and rivers. The ambiance is like the Earth & # 8217 ; s lungs, as it carries the air. It allows for the transportation of gasses and keeps them at an optimal degree for life. The land is like the Earth & # 8217 ; s castanetss as it holds up the construction of the Earth and AIDSs in its stableness. Without castanetss a human organic structure would non hold any signifier, it would be similar to a blob. The life beings are the Earth & # 8217 ; s senses as they react to the jobs and successes of the H2O, atmosphere, and land. A human & # 8217 ; s senses react to the jobs and successes in life. The human senses besides react to the physical effects of life non merely the emotional.

The Gaia Hypothesis is similar to a thermoregulator, like the thermoregulators that are within a human or a family. In a family, we set the thermoregulator at a comfy temperature. For our organic structures it is 98 grades, for our house it might be 78 grades. When the temperature deviates, the warming or chilling system takes over and adjusts the temperature. For our organic structure it is sudating or shuddering to raise or take down the temperature as needed. For our house it would be the air conditioning or the furnace to raise or take down the temperature as needed. ( University, p.1 ) .

If Gaia is so a life being, so it should hold the ability to reproduce. This doesn & # 8217 ; t seem true unless one assumes that human existences are the Earth & # 8217 ; s generative map. Where worlds will endeavor to colonise other planets and in making so will jump-start that planet into life. If we are the reproduction of Gaia, so will be able to take our cognition and create or continue life on other planets. We should be able to do them habitable when they are non. Another map of adult male is non merely to make, but to destruct. It is seen that & # 8220 ; Earth is a individual life being with a will to live. & # 8221 ; ( p.2 ) . There are two different ways to look at environmental devastation. The first manner is by fouling and destructing woods we are similar to a virus. In being similar to a virus, Gaia produces antibodies. Gaia will protect her organic structure & # 8220 ; Earth & # 8221 ; as any homo would protect theirs with antibodies. & # 8220 ; Gaia will happen a manner to antagonize our damaging effects in order to protect her cherished planet. & # 8221 ; ( p.2 ) .

Philosophic logical thinking incorporates the metaphor in concurrence with faith. Many scientist are disbelieving of the Gaia hypothesis. They believe that it is unscientific because it can non be tested. Mentioning to the hypothesis as it relates to modern adult male being an complaint to the Earth can be viewed sacredly. Man has turned his dorsum on Earth as Earth is compared to God. It is the spiritual end of adult male to be united with his divinity, hence, worlds will endeavor to go one with the Earth. & # 8220 ; The New Age has wholly jumped on the metaphor. It seems like Gaia is their opportunity to unify scientific discipline with the beliefs of the ancients. & # 8221 ; ( Studentweb, p.1 ) . Almost every tribal civilization has developed a construct of & # 8220 ; Mother Earth. & # 8221 ;

The first of the spiritual civilizations to portion their thought of Gaia were the Ancient Greeks. & # 8220 ; The Ancient Greeks called their Earth goddess Ge or Gaia. Gaia embodies the thought of a & # 8216 ; Mother Earth. & # 8217 ; & # 8221 ; ( Oceans, p.1 ) . The Greeks viewed Gaia as a gentle, feminine type animal. Gaia was really nurturing and female parent like. On the other manus, Gaia had a really barbarous manus to anyone that crossed her. She was viewed as the Godhead, the refinisher, and the destroyer.

The Hopi faith besides had a name for Mother Earth. The Hopi name is Tapaut, which means female parent and kid. To the Hopi & # 8217 ; s the term Tapaut & # 8220 ; is symbolized in such a manner that explains the Earth as a rhythm of life and the metempsychosis of the spirit. & # 8221 ; ( Oceans, p.1 ) . The Hindu & # 8217 ; s believed in a goddess named Kali. This is their creative activity of & # 8220 ; Mother Earth. & # 8221 ; Kali was worshiped for her & # 8220 ; power of devastation & # 8221 ; and & # 8220 ; gift of creative activity & # 8221 ; as related to cosmopolitan powers. ( Oceans, p.1 ) . Kali is besides known as the & # 8220 ; Black One & # 8221 ; and her name means & # 8220 ; the Ferry Across the Ocean of Existence. & # 8221 ; ( Oceans, p.1 ) .

The Gaia Hypothesis can be explained through scientific principle. As a affair of fact, & # 8220 ; ge & # 8221 ; in the words geology and geographics is taken from the Grecian root for Earth. The hypothesis originated thro

ugh man’s enterprise to detect life on another planet. Scientists measured and compared other planets’ atmospheric gas contents and their proportions to each other. This comparing yielded to the decision that life did non be on planets other than Earth. The concluding behind this is that Earth’s atmospheric gasses in their proportion are non chemically balanced unless they are invariably being manipulated. Other planets’ atmospheric gasses maintained a balanced proportion. The history for this difference is life. Life was now seen as keeping the planet versus what was antecedently rationalized that life adapts to the conditions of the planet. “According to Lovelock, the geophysiologist sees life as a system unfastened to the flux of affair and energy, but that maintains an internal steady-state.” ( Oceans, p.3 ) . The Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and dirt, supply the Earth’s basic constituents, which work together to keep precise physical and chemical balance. “Through Gaia, the Earth sustains a sort of homeostasis, the care of comparatively changeless conditions.” ( Oceans, p.1 ) .

There are many scientifically proved facts about the Earth & # 8217 ; s maps which respond to the Gaia Hypothesis. One such map is that the Earth maintains a regulated temperature. There is a balanced proportion of H2O versus land. Water holds in heat the same manner that dry land expels it. There is besides a balance of dark versus light colourss in nature. Dark colourss tend to absorb heat and igniter colourss tend to drive it. More complexly, as visible radiation and heat from the Sun accelerate phytoplankton or workss, these phytoplankton create material necessary to explicate clouds. Clouds act as a shadiness to the Sun & # 8217 ; s heat. Besides, phytoplankton are responsible for the current copiousness of O. There was a clip when there was about no O on Earth.

Since the Gaia Hypothesis states that life formulates the planet, this fact deems critical in turn outing this statement valid. Phytoplankton started the copiousness of O which started the copiousness of animate beings. Animals produce methane gas which destroys O and hence maintains an O balance. All of this life keeps the planet in perfect balance. If the O degree were to lift to be above 35 % , so fires would happen through lightening and the planet would be a dead fiery mass. All of these factors conclude that the Earth maintains regularity through both temperature and O control. & # 8220 ; There has been a 25 % addition in heat from the Sun since life began. But surface temperature has remained about constant. & # 8221 ; ( Charlton, p.3 ) .

Furthermore, the Earth maintains its oceans & # 8217 ; salt. For one million millions of old ages the salt content has been stable at 3.4 % . Salt fens and other such vaporizing single organic structures of salt H2O aid to filtrate out the salt and deposits it in beds. It is interesting to observe that cells can non digest salt concentrations much above 5 % because of the metaphor that the Earth is a individual cell. Another metaphor that can be explained scientifically is that the Earth is a self-recycling centre. This can be examined through analyzing the C, N, and sulfur rhythm. These rhythms use and reuse the Earth & # 8217 ; s basic elements of life. Scientifically proven, the Earth is self-maintained much like a life being.

The thought that the Earth is autonomous and self-maintaining can be slightly scaring if one chooses to see this as a power to destruct world. & # 8220 ; If the Earth is so self-acting, so it will set to the impacts of adult male. However, as we will see, these accommodations may move to except adult male, much as the debut of O into the ambiance by photosynthetic bacteriums. This is the Southern Cross of the Gaia hypotheses. & # 8221 ; ( Oceans p.2 ) . Even more terrorization is to asseverate that the Earth has a witting. This has been scientifically reasoned through an experiment and through the procedure of riddance. The Biosphere II undertaking designed a mechanical version of Earth with all of the proportionate indispensable elements. The undertaking failed and the lone losing component conceivable would be that of a witting. The Gaia Hypothesis allows for this type of logical thinking.

If the Earth were alive, so it is imaginable to keep a scruples. There are types of concluding that the Gaia Hypothesis allows. It attempts to explicate fortunes that were antecedently unaccountable by scientific discipline. Such state of affairss are the foreign abductions. These abductions may be perceived as creative activities of Gaia to remind world of who their female parent was by giving the abducted a demeaning image of the Earth from an outerspace distance. The Earth would be seen as whole and as a life being. These types of hideous rationalisations can add to discrediting the hypothesis for many.

However, there are the more solid scientific statements as stated antecedently and there are other scientists who have thought of the Gaia Hypothesis in another sense. & # 8220 ; James Hutton ( 1726-1729 ) , who is the male parent of geology, one time described the Earth as a sort of superorganism. & # 8221 ; ( Oceans p. 1 ) . Besides, & # 8220 ; A Russian Scientist, Vladimir Vernadsky, introduced the construct of the biosphere. He recognized affair as & # 8216 ; populating & # 8217 ; , life as a geological force, and the ambiance as an extension of life. & # 8221 ; ( Charlton p. 3 ) . Some scientists may reason that the Gaia Hypothesis is non scientific because it could non be tested. In response to this, Lovelock produced the Daisyworld theoretical account.

This theoretical account is computing machine generated and consists of two coloured daisies, black and white. First, there is an copiousness of black daisies that absorb the Sun & # 8217 ; s heat. The copiousness of black daisies symbolize an copiousness of phytoplankton n the Earth. Then, as clip proceeds the Earth incorporating the daisies becomes warmer and the daisies become white to drive the heat. At this point, the black daisies have retreated to the poles where it is cooler and the white 1s stay nigher to the equator to drive the heat of the Sun. Lovelock developed this theoretical account as a response to unfavorable judgment. The hypotheses holds much room for argument. At its current province it is unfastened for the argument, but after a figure of decennaries, there may be adequate grounds to upgrade it to a theory. This would break recognition the hypothesis in the scientific community.

The Gaia Hypothesis crosses the Fieldss of doctrine, faith, and scientific discipline. Much argument has evolved over where the hypothesis is best suited. In all actuality, it absolutely suits them all at the same time. The Gaia Hypothesis & # 8217 ; quintessential construct is the thought of a balance ; hence, it would outdo suit a balance of all of these countries. It absolutely connects three officially distinguishable countries of idea. As the Gaia Hypothesis connects the indispensable maps of our Earth, it would be apparently fit to link it to the three agencies of explicating life on Earth.


Charlton, Noel. & # 8220 ; Gaia Theory. & # 8221 ; Lancaster University. Internet. 18 Oct. 2000. Available:

Holbrook, Daniel M. & # 8220 ; Environmental Ethical motives: Lecture Two. & # 8221 ; Washington State University. Internet. 18 Oct. 2000. Available:

Miller, Stephen. & # 8220 ; Mkzdk: Reappraisal of the Ages of Gaia. & # 8221 ; Online. Internet. 18 Oct. 2000. Available:

Sackmann, Matt. & # 8220 ; The Gaia Hypotheses: Science or Religion. & # 8221 ; Tulane University. Internet. 18 Oct. 2000. Available:

The Remarkable Ocean World. & # 8220 ; The Gaia Hypothesis. & # 8221 ; Online. Internet. 18 Oct. 2000. Available:

University of Michigan. 1996. & # 8220 ; A Goddess of the Earth? The Argument over the Gaia Hypothesis. & # 8221 ; Online. Available:

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