The Kite Runner Essay

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Khaled Hosseni’s novel The Kite Runner is one full of turns and bends. particularly in the lives of his characters. It epitomizes the transeunt nature of humanity. and how rapidly and all of a sudden the “course of a whole lifetime” can be redirected or shattered. merely by the presence or happening of one or two cardinal events. that could take topographic point in but a individual twenty-four hours. Amir’s life is repeatedly subjected to these cardinal events. events that form and reshape the class of Amir’s life. his mentality. and finally his values.

During Hassan’s colza on the twenty-four hours he won the kite running tourney. Amir’s inactivity in response to that horrific act left him and his scruples scarred for life. Amir’s consequent set up of Hassan and Ali. in another selfish act to purge himself of his error by trying to free himself of Hassan. resulted in both his and Baba’s desolation at the loss of people who symbolised a portion of their childhood. their life. Rahim Khan’s call. converting Amir to return to Kabul to “redeem” himself was another turning point in Amir’s life. taking up to his eventual confrontation with Assef. the katharsis of the novel in a sense.

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All these events. most of them arguably unjust. took topographic point in the infinite of no more than a few yearss. yet each holds more significance in Amir’s life than the remainder of it together. based on the author’s portraiture of this character. Baba’s statement holds true throughout the novel with regard to Amir’s life. and may be considered extremely prophetic. The first of the cardinal events in Amir’s life. and perchance the most important. was witnessing Hassan’s colza as a bystander. while making nil to halt it.

Throughout Amir’s childhood. Hassan has been portrayed as a loyal retainer. yet at the same clip. a friend to Amir. His Hazara birthright dictated that this would be his topographic point in society. and he accepted it gracefully. functioning Amir. a affluent Pashtun male child. with all his bosom. despite their similarity in age. Amir treated this pseudo-“friendship” with a certain grade of disdain. likely due to the fact that at the same clip. Hassan was his retainer. less educated. less worthy than he was.

What he yearned for alternatively. with greater passion than anything else throughout his childhood. was the recognition and “Baba’s love” . something which he felt was non present in sufficient measure in his life. The fact that Baba showed eldritch involvement in the wellbeing of Hassan. his retainer. did nil to alleviate Amir of this load in himself. When the clip came and the strength of the bond between Hassan and Amir was tested. it is clear that while Hassan chose his Amir’s recognition in exchange for his ain public assistance. Amir would non make the same for Hassan. who “ [ was ] merely a Hazara.

I should non be expected to support him” . While Amir obtained his father’s love from the kite which Hassan risked his life to protect. Amir clearly can non get the better of his ensuing strong scruples and sense of morality. and could merely temporarily “ [ bury ] what [ he ] had done” . In the infinite of a twenty-four hours. Amir’s scruples from so on was everlastingly pitted against him. for an unjust pick he was made to do as a immature male child. This is what sets up the way of Amir’s life henceforth. triping an unstoppable concatenation of events. The sarcasm of the clip it took for such a important alteration to happen is absolutely exemplified in Baba’s prognostication.

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