Amir as the Narrator Essay

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The novel The Kite Runner is narrated by the chief character. Amir. The novels follows Amir’s fighting way from adolescence to manhood. Amir tells the narrative of his life turning up in Kabul with his male parent. Baba and their two Hazara retainers Hassan and Ali. Hassan is Amir’s half brother and best friend turning up ; proving friendly relationships. maintaining secrets. accepting mistakes and deriving apprehension. The two spent many old ages basking playing and kite contending together as brothers. Amir describes his relationship with Hassan as really close and personal ; he enjoys learning and turning with Hassan even though Hassan is considered below him in their society ; expected to be a servant to Amir. non a comrade.

Although Hassan and Amir’s relationship seemed unbreakable. the winter of 1975 changed everything. Amir tells us of the major “kite fighting” competition that happens every twelvemonth with all the local childs. Soon after Amir wins the competition that twelvemonth. calamity occurs with Hassan in a back back street. he is raped by a vicinity male child. Assef. Amir witnesses this and tells no 1 about it. This ulterior unravels the relationship between him and Hassan ensuing in Hassan and Ali go forthing Amir and Baba’s place. Throughout the novel. Amir is wholly changed from this event.

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Throughout the book Amir struggles to be the boy his male parent. Baba wants him to be. He feels that his male parent burdens Amir with the decease of his female parent because she died giving birth to Amir. Amir tells how Baba is really critical of him and makes him experience as though he can ne’er make his father’s outlooks. Amir feels as though he needs to contend with Hassan for his father’s blessing. Although he ne’er had an ideal relationship with Baba. Amir loves and respects him to the fullest. Baba ushers Amir through life assisting him in going the best adult male he can be. Later in the fresh Amir realizes how much he appreciated Baba.

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