The person-centred and psychodynamic models of counselling understand the person Essay

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Part A
Compare and contrast how the person-centred and psychodynamic theoretical accounts of reding understand the individual. and how these two attacks explain psychological hurt experienced by persons. ( 1250 words ) Within society today. there is an extended scope of theoretical attacks used by Psychotherapists and counselors. The purpose of this treatment is to compare and contrast two of these attacks. the person-centred and the psychodynamic theoretical accounts of reding. particularly how these theories understand the persons and psychological hurt. In order to understand psychodynamic therapy. it is imperative to see the work of Sigmund Freud and the development of Psychoanalytical theory. During all his life. Freud attempted to unknot the human head making methodical systems to detect replies associating to the unconscious and its urges. He ignored conventional scientific discipline and believed in free association ( patients speaking what comes to mind ) . Among many of his premises was the belief that all behavior has a cause. and all repressed feelings and ideas of early childhood are banished to the unconscious head. hence taking to future jobs in maturity. as the patient is normally incognizant of true significance of these past experiences. In this type of therapy. the analyst seeks to construe and convey a pent-up feeling in a more acceptable and sensitive mode and it can besides be a really long and intensive procedure.

It is of import to admit that Freud’s theories are the consequence of a peculiar historical clip and civilization. Furthermore it should be noted that the Psychodynamic attack is a wide position and has been applied successfully throughout clip and has been backed up by big figure of professionals and abundant literature. Freud’s methods have been continually adapted and modified throughout clip and through the work of many influential psychoanalytical professionals such as Adler ( 1927 ) . Jung ( 1964 ) . Klein ( 1926 ) and Erikson ( 1950 ) . From their work. the Psychodynamic theoretical account of guidance was developed and its chief features were really similar to Freud’s depth psychology. such as the importance of the unconscious head along with past experiences in determining current behavior. This theory besides suggests that the personality is composed of three parts: the Id. consisting of the crude sexual and hostile urges ; the self-importance which is the witting head and represents everything that is under our consciousness ; and the super-ego. which controls the Id and represents the moral thoughts. Many professionals in the psychodynamic tradition believe that psychological hurt consequences from interior struggles that are non good negotiated by the defence mechanism.

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In another words. the defence mechanism normally provides us with ways to ease these struggles taking to a fulfillment of both the superego and the ID. Some persons defense mechanism mechanism. nevertheless. fails or is dysfunctional. frequently taking to ill-adjusted behavior. Furthermore. the Psychodynamic theoretical account highlights the kineticss between the patient and healer and more significantly the transference that occurs in this procedure. and besides in the readings of the patient’s dream and phantasies. This attack uses reding as a vehicle for reading. where the client is stimulated to speak about childhood and relationship with parents. among many other past experiences taking to the consciousness of the true causes or urges environing her/his actions in big life. The procedure of transference above mentioned would happen when the patient converses with the healer. projecting onto the latter feelings experienced in old relationships. being that these feelings are significantly influenced by the patient’s unconscious head. This procedure can frequently supply a really effectual solution to measuring and handling emotional hurt in persons.

In the 1950s a more Humanist attack developed by Carl Rogers became popular in the USA. The Person-Centred Therapy or Rogerian Approach emphasised personal growing and believed that the procedure of analysis should be easy to understand. warm and enthusiastic towards the person. Contrary to the hierarchal relationship between healer and patient encountered in psychodynamic therapy. the person-centred attack classifies both the person and healers as equal spouses. mentioning to those in therapy as clients alternatively. This empowerment gives the clients the independence and control for betterment of their lives. Another important difference between the Rogerian attack and Psychodynamics is Rogers’s riddance of all reading around therapy. Rogers believed that despite the symptoms perching from past experiences. it would be much more helpful for the client to concentrate on the present and future instead than the past. Although there are merely a few established techniques in the Person-centred attack. it is of import to observe the accent is placed around the curative relationship. taking on the persons ability to accomplish a perfect apprehension of the universe themselves. By underscoring on this ability. the healer would take the client to cut down struggles between the ideal ego and present ego. significantly increasing the person’s dignity. This sort of therapy plants based on promoting the client. to concentrate on their ability to accomplish self-knowledge instead than establishing his readings on the client’s unconscious motivations. as psychodynamic diehards would.

The techniques used in the Person-Centred attack affect some basic rules such as congruity ( allowing clients to see themselves as they are ) ; positive resonance ( keeping a positive attitude towards the client ) and empathy ( capacity to grok the clients’ feelings ) . Although both theories differ in attack. there are some similarities in beliefs that aid to determine the individual’s behavior. Equally good as the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Rogers believed that the curative relationship could take to a better apprehension of the clients’ behavior and possibly would besides take to a sense of betterment. In add-on. both theories agree that by verbalizing hurt ( ‘the speaking cure’ ) people would experience alleviated and would so be more productive and live a more hearty life than they would otherwise hold had. To sum up. the chief construct of both theoretical accounts is strongly based on how the individual’s struggles and hurt are addressed. While Freud focused on readings of what he believed were the unconscious struggles to a patient’s agony. Rogers believed that the healer should promote free look and job declaration in a non-directive manner.

The position of the client/patient in each theoretical attack would differ in the manner each theory describes the cause of mental unwellness. or mal-adjusted behavior. Furthermore. in the Person-Centred attack. the healer operates by some basic rules such as congruity. positive resonance. and empathy towards the client while in Psychodynamics the therapy operates based on the rule of transference between patient and healer and the reading of dreams and phantasies. The healer would uncover small about himself in the psychodynamic tradition. but in the Rogerian attack. healers would demo more genuineness and uncover more of their personality. Rogerians advocate that the client would be better helped if encouraged to look at their bing job instead than an unconscious ground or person else’s analysis. The person would be in the Centre of therapy and would be given full control of what to speak about. Each attack has its strengths and failings and one size does non suit all. Peoples should take into history the badness. length and deepness of their instances in order to accomplish a psychological alteration and carry through their possible.

Part B

McLeod. J. ( 2008 ) ‘Themes and issues in the psychodynamic attack to counselling’ in J. McLeod. M. Hill ( Eds. ) . Introduction to Counselling ( 3nd ed. ) Milton Keynes: The Open University. McLeod. J. ( 2008 ) ‘Theory and pattern of the person-centred approach’ in J. McLeod. M. Hill ( Eds. ) . Introduction to Counselling ( 3nd ed. ) Milton Keynes: The Open University.

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