The Relationship Between Santiago and the Marlin Essay

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The relationship between Santiago and Manolin is really clear in the novelette. This relationship is show in the manner Manolin idolizes Santiago. the equality represented between the two characters. and the manner the two interchange with one another.

First of all. Manolin idolizes Santiago’s ideals. despite the fact that he was now a failed fisherman cursed with bad fortune. Manolin is devoted to the old adult male about in a spiritual manner. The male child apologizes from the old adult male because his dad forbid him to travel fishing with Santiago any longer. and Santiago explains to the male child that he knows and that it is rather normal.

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Second. the old adult male ever expresses his equality with the male child. even though there is a immense age difference plus the fact that the old adult male is like a wise man to him. This equality is shown in the manner Santiago accepted Manolin’s offer for beer and said. “Why not… . between fishermen. ” Even when the male child offers to assist Santiago with the fishing he replies that he is already a adult male. demoing him that he has little more to learn the male child.

Last but non least. Santiago and Manolin seem to trade functions in the novelette. The old adult male took attention of the male child at sea by learning him how to angle while the male child took attention of the old adult male on land by brining him nutrient and java.

In decision. it is shown through these three chief points that there is a strong relation between the two chief characters. Santiago and Manolin.

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