Tragedy in Death of a Salesman Essay

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Arthur Miller depicts a salesman. named Willy Loman in the drama Death of a Salesman. Faced with adversities and problems. Willy manoeuvres in ways that cause his unfortunate result. In the calamity. Death of a Salesman. the chief supporter Willy Loman’s fatal defects were his grim pride and his inability to face world. which finally led to his death. This novel is a narrative about the calamity that was the life of Willy Loman. A calamity is a “serious drama” that depicts a “conflict” between the supporter and a “superior force” such as which ends up with “disastrous consequences” that elicits “pity” . ( Merriam Webster ) Death of a Salesman is a calamity because the chief supporter is a adult male filled with unrealistic hopes and dreams that lead to his death. Although the narrative portrays a calamity. I believe Willy Loman attempted to happen optimism in licking. By definition. a tragic hero is “a great or virtuous character in a dramatic calamity that is destined for ruin. agony. or licking. ” ( Dictionary. com ) Willy’s life resembled that of a tragic hero. he was non one by definition because there was nil great or virtuous about him.

He was an mean individual who lived a tragic life. As one critic suggests. “Willy Loman is excessively far down the societal graduated table to be considered a classical “tragic hero” he represents the mean adult male. ” We learn that he made errors merely like any other human being. In fact. one of the errors he made changed the really manner he lived his life and perceived himself. In the beginning of the narrative. Willy cheats on his married woman and is caught by his boy Biff. which negatively affects their long-run relationship. As a consequence. Willy ever feels guilty. taking to a changeless battle between male parent and boy about about everything. One illustration of this is in Act II. after reasoning Biff says to his male parent. “Dad. you’re ne’er traveling to see what I am. so what’s the usage of reasoning? If I strike oil. I’ll send you a cheque. Meantime. bury I’m alive” ( 129 ) . A batch of times they argued because Willy ever wanted to see the positive even when in world things were non as he believed.

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The calamity is that his life was full of psychotic beliefs and ill-conceived dreams. In the beginning of the narrative. Willy explains to his married woman why they can non go forth the crowded metropolis to populate in New York “They don’t necessitate me in New York. I’m the New England adult male. I’m vital in New England” ( 4 ) . However. as the narrative continues we see that Willy had a false perceptual experience of himself. In fact. he was non good liked. Alternatively. he was laughed at and pitied. In actuality. his foreman had wanted to fire him. but merely did non hold the nervus to make it. This is seen when Willy goes to his foreman inquiring to be given a place as a floor salesman. his foreman tells him. “I don’t privation you to stand for us. I’ve been intending to state you for a long clip now” ( 83 ) . After Willy’s life long committedness to the company. he is fired and even so. he does non wake up to the apprehension that in society he is nil particular. Biff tries to do his male parent realize that he is nil particular by stating. “Pop! I’m a dime a twelve. and so are you! ”

This infuriates Willy who counterattacks. “I am non a dime a twelve! I am Willy Loman. and you are Biff Loman! ” Another one of Willy’s defect was his grim pride. For illustration. when Charley offers him a occupation he refuses stating he already has one even though in truth he was merely fired. After farther treatment Willy eventually responds stating. “ I can’t work for you. that’s all. don’t ask me why” ( 98 ) . We see irony here because a small after this Willy is willing to inquire Charley to borrow money but refuses to take a occupation from him. Willy Loman’s defect was his hubris and his inability to face world. He had the right thought merely the incorrect dreams. Ultimately. his grim pride and his inability to face world led him to his death. One must admit that throughout the whole narrative he strived to do up for his errors and do the right thing.

He had largely good purposes. nevertheless. he made errors merely like any other human being. However. contrary to most people. he judged himself harshly for his errors and invariably criticized himself. He tried to overlook his errors or conceal them for the remainder of his life. As the drama goes on. we learn that he has a difficult clip confronting world that is complicated by his grim pride and at the same clip. he suffers from self-loathing. As the drama goes on and Willy’s individuality as a salesman is stripped from him. we begin to understand better the importance of his life insurance policy. After Willy loses his occupation. which was his primary individuality. he is forced to confront world that he could ne’er be like his brother who was his hero. He could ne’er be the male parent he wanted to be or believe his boies deserved.

He wanted his boy Biff to look up to him and stand out in life. He realized that he was non the star salesman he ever believed himself to be. We see this as he becomes progressively preoccupied with his life insurance policy. which symbolizes the merely other manner he can supply for his household ; he has been a failure at everything else. He ever had the best purposes and the drama ends with Willy seeking to supply for his household in the lone manner possible. as the review provinces. “Willy of class ends the drama with nil he can sell – except himself. trusting that his expired life insurance policy will pay up. ”

Harmonizing to Dictionary. com. the definition of a tragic hero is “a great or virtuous character in a dramatic calamity who is destined for ruin. agony. or licking. ” Although Willy was non a virtuous character. in the terminal. he tried to make what he thought was right by supplying for his household in the lone manner he thought possible. His life was tragic because he tried to get by by life in denial about his failures. In the terminal. he faced world in the lone manner he thought he could. by taking his life.

Plants Cited

1. Miller. Arthur. and Gerald Clifford. Weales. Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman. Text and Criticism. New York. Penguin. 1996. Print. 2. “Tragedy. ” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. . 3. “Tragic Hero. ” Dictionary. com. Dictionary. com. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. . 4. Literary Criticism Attached

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