Decision Making In Julius Caesar Essay Research

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Decision Making In Julius Caesar Essay, Research Paper

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Making the right determinations is an on-going battle for adult male, because doing determinations is ne’er easy, and the incorrect determination can take to endless hazards. Decisions must be made when covering with power, trueness, and trust. Yet, unlike other determinations, 1s that are about these three Fieldss are the most of import, due to the hazard involved, and because of the effects that might follow. Power- power is the complete domination of others, and since all work forces want to rule those around them, power is valued as one of the most of import ownerships.

Power is extremely sought after, therefore the right determinations must be made to obtain it, and this is clearly proven by Shakespeare? s? Julius Caesar? . Power is obtained much easier than it is kept. ? Autonomy! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! ? The plotters celebrate the decease of Caesar, because they believe that they make the right determination in killing him, and so far they have, but the determination to save Mark Antony is one that will stalk them in the terminal. Power is non ever good, it can be a really unsafe ownership. ? You shall non stir out of your house today. ? Calphurnia makes the determination to carry Caesar to remain place, and non travel to the Senate meeting. When 1 has power, there are those who want it, like Brutus and the other plotters. Calphurnia makes the right determination, yet Caesar makes the incorrect one by make up one’s minding to travel anyhow, and therefore he seals his ain destiny. Last, power disturbs a adult male? s normal idea procedure. ? No, Cassius, ordinal number? Brutus makes the determination to disregard Cassius? thoughts, clip and clip once more. This is because of his quest for power, it blocks his normal thought procedure, and sense of logical thinking, doing him to do irrational determinations. The two characters with the most power, Brutus and Caesar, do non do really wise determinations, and that is why neither of them survive. Loyalty goes hand-in-hand with power, and one that has problem equilibrating his power is certain to hold jobs with trueness.

Loyalty is one of the feelings that is used the most in Shakespeare? s? Julius Caesar? , this is shown by the legion people that are loyal to either Caesar or Brutus. Having followings that are 100 percent loyal is imperative. ? When Caesar says? Make this, ? it is performed. ? Caesar? s determination to acknowledge Antony? s trueness is really wise, since it will be Antony who finally avenges Caesar? s decease. Peoples can alter who they are loyal to in a brief blink of an eye

. ? Live, Brutus, live, live! ? The citizens of Rome are angry with Brutus for killing Caesar, but after a short address they have forgotten about Caesar, and are now praising Brutus. Brutus? determination to allow Antony talk last is a dearly-won one, he should hold realized how vulnerable the crowd is, and that they are easy influenced. Loyalty must be kept on the right degree for it to be utile. ? Good dark, my lord. ? Cassius? shows trueness to Brutus, yet unlike Antony he does non take his trueness to extremes. Loyalty must be kept on an ind

ividual footing or the followings can turn into mindless living deads, making whatever their leader says, no affair how pointless. Loyalty is indispensable to a leader? s regulation yet how he handles trueness makes all the difference. Trust is another belief that is demonstrated to the full in? Julius Caesar? .

Trust is really similar to trueness, but it besides has its ain features, and effects, which make it a wholly different belief. Who one trusts in jussive mood. ? Et tu, Brute? ? Caesar trusts Brutus and this turns out to ensue in his decease. This is really much like trueness, one must be certain in make up one’s minding who to put his trust in. Yet, unlike trueness, trust is a gamble. ? Hacked one another in the sides of Caesar. ? Caesar besides trusts Antony and that is a really smart determination, since Antonty will ne’er take advantage of him, and he will besides revenge his decease. Last, trust resembles trueness in one concluding manner, it can be taken away really rapidly. ? O mighty Caesar, dost 1000 lie so low? ? . Brutus? determination to kill Caesar consequences in Antony losing his trust in him. Brutus should hold thought about this, for he will ne’er recover Antony? s trust. Trust must be valued as a great ownership, so frequently trust is taken for granted and is merely lost when hazard is at hand.

In the class of adult male? s life he will hold to do many determinations, and some will make up one’s mind his hereafter. Power, trueness, and trust, are indispensable, yet obtaining them is merely the beginning, pull offing them is a much harder undertaking. For one to win he must recognize how much power is good and how much is unsafe. Loyalty helps one? s cause vastly, yet one must non take the trueness of his followings to the extreme. Trust is one of the most of import assets a adult male can hold, he must be careful, and non take it for granted. Man must ever be prepared for these times when a determination must be made, because, as seen in Shakespeare? s? Julius Caesar? , one irrational determination can be adult male? s last.

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