Osmosis Experiment Essay Sample

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Materials: Potato cylinders. 20 per centum Na chloride solution. three test-tubes. test-tube rack. scalpel blade. Gel ink pen. syringe-10cm^3. Plastic swayer with millimeter. tile. forceps filter paper. Dissembling tape. Method: 1 ) Three test-tubes. A. B and C were labeled and initials of experimenters were applied with the day of the month: January 29. 2013. 2 ) A syringe was used to set 10cm^3 of H2O in tubing A and 5cm^3 in tubing B along with 5cm^ 20 per centum Na chloride solution and 10cm^3 20 per centum Na chloride solution in tubing C. 3 ) Three cylinders of murphy were removed from a petri-dish and placed on the tile provided. One terminal of each was cut to a 90 grade angle. so cut all to the same length of 30mm 4 ) One murphy cylinder was put in each test-tube and was covered with 3m dissembling tape provided. so the exact clip was labeled: 11:39 a. m. 5 ) Potato Tissue was left for about 21 hours and removed from the test-tube afterwards. 6 ) The contents of each test-tube were poured into a petri-dish and the cylinder removed and blotted with filter paper. throwing the liquid off from the petri-dish after each cylinder was removed. 7 ) The length and texture of each murphy cylinder was recorded in a tabular array.

Discussion: In the experiment. I believe the phenomenon to take topographic point is osmosis. Osmosis is the movement/diffusion of H2O molecules through a selectively permeable membrane from an country of high concentration of H2O molecules ( high H2O potency ) to an country of a low concentration of H2O molecules ( low H2O potency ) . From old cognition I know when a works cell is put into a solution with the same concentration as the cell contents. this is referred to as isotonic. some H2O molecules move in and out. Due to no concentration gradient. no net flow. When a works cell is placed in less concentrated solution than the contents of the cell it’s referred to as hypotonic. some H2O molecules move out of the cell but more move into the cell. The cell becomes full of H2O and is referred to as bombastic. For the antonym. placed into a greater concentration solution. the cell is referred to as hypertonic. H2O molecules move in but more move out. The cell loses H2O and is referred to as flaccid

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The changed variables in the experiment are the sums of NaCl solution ( 10cm ) . and the concentrations of the NaCl solutions ( 0. 10. and 20 % ) . The changeless variables are the continuance of the experiment ( about 21 hours ) and the conditions in which the cylinders were left for and the diameter and length of the murphy cylinders ( 30mm ) . The mensural variable is the length of the murphy cylinders. My hypothesis is that the murphy in the test-tube A will increase in size going house. the cell in trial tubing B will lose H2O. lessening in size going soft while the cell in trial tubing C will lose H2O. lessening in size more than B going softer to touch.

It was observed that the murphy in test-tube A. stayed the same length. It did non increase in length but it became fatter and was house to touch. The hypertonic tissue was placed in a hypotonic solution which allowed a net flow of H2O into the cell as there was a greater concentration of H2O outside than interior.

During osmosis the H2O molecules moved from an country of high concentration ( distilled H2O ) to one of low concentration ( potato tissue ) through the selectively permeable membrane of the murphy cells doing the murphy to increase in width and become house to touch because the cells were bombastic ( full of H2O ) .

Test tubing B was placed in a somewhat hypertonic solution with the contents of the cell being hypotonic. It was observed that this tissue decreased in size somewhat by 3mm as a consequence of net flow of H2O out of the cell drawing the cell membrane off from the cell wall and going flaccid. Water moved from inside the tissue through the cell membrane and into the solution as the concentration of H2O molecules was greater inside than outside. ensuing in the cell losing H2O and going soft to touch.

Test tubing C was placed in a more hypertonic solution than that of Test-tube B with the contents of the cell being hypotonic. As a consequence. it was observed that the cell decreased in size by 3 millimeters and became softer than B. Becoming somewhat more flaccid than B. The consequences for trial tubing C were similar to that of B in that the H2O moved out of the cell by osmosis ensuing in it going more flaccid but since there was a higher concentration of salt solution in C than B more H2O left the cell diminishing it more in size than B.

One mensurating beginning of mistake when transporting out the experiment was to guarantee the cylinders were cut to the same length. This was hard as. with utilizing a scalpel it was difficult to steer to cut the murphy cylinders at the same length. This could hold resulted in the murphy cylinders increasing/decreasing more in size as they all were non at the same length. To decide this issue. mass could hold been measured alternatively of length for the consequences to be much more dependable and accurate.

One random mistake that could hold occurred during the experiment is to make with the biological fluctuation of the murphies. The initial H2O potency of the murphy cylinders could hold varied particularly if they were taken from different murphies. This could hold resulted in the cylinders in each trial tubing increasing/decreasing more in size than they should hold. This mistake could hold been reduced by pull outing the murphy cylinders from the same murphy.

One experimenter mistake that could hold occurred during the experiment was that when the murphy cylinders were removed from the trial tubing and dried. some could hold been more exhaustively dried than other which means that non merely was the extra H2O from the outside removed but from the interior besides. gained through osmosis. Besides. I may non hold removed the extra H2O from the exterior of the murphy cylinders. which would hold increased the length. doing my consequences to be inaccurate as they would do me to reason that the cylinders had gained more or less than they really had. This mistake could hold been reduced by guaranting that the cylinders were rolled on the filter paper the same sum of times with the same force per unit area.

Restrictions of the experiment with respects to the conditions of the experiment have to make with the temperature if the water/solution. The tubings were covered in order to forestall the solution/water from get awaying by vaporization. This would hold affected the experiment by increasing the temperature of the H2O. leting osmosis to happen faster. Furthermore. the trial tubing would hold experienced changing external heat dependant on their place in the schoolroom. For illustration some were left at changing distances from an opened window. This restriction could hold been eliminated/reduced by non puting the test-tubes beside an unfastened window.

Another restriction of the experiment was the sum of clip that the murphy cylinders were left in the water/solution. This would ensue in the osmosis happening less than it should hold. Possibly. if the murphies had been left in the water/solution for a longer clip the effects of osmosis would hold been more apparent and easy seen. This restriction could be eliminated/reduced by utilizing the clip as a changed variable and mensurating the rates of osmosis as 24 hours to likely 48 hours. It could hold been eliminated by go forthing the cylinders in the solution/water for a longer period of clip.

Last a restriction of the experiment in respects to stuffs was that by merely utilizing one murphy cylinder the experiment was non dependable as it could hold been. The truth of the osmosis experiment could hold been improved by utilizing 3 murphy cylinders in separate trial tubings. all with the same NaCl concentration These will move as repetition. and let for more consequences to be averaged. This would hold improved truth of the experiment as utilizing more than one stuff in an experiment provides for a more averaged dependable consequence.

In decision. the consequence of tap H2O. 10 % and 20 % Na chloride solution on the length and texture of murphy cylinders are an addition in length. being steadfast to touch. a lessening in length. being soft to touch and a lessening in length more than B being softer in texture severally.

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